КОНВЕНЦИЯ 2006 ГОДА О ТРУДЕ В МОРСКОМ СУДОХОДСТВЕ. Конвенция. Международная организация труда. 23.02.06


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Appendix A5-II

(Note: This Certificate shall have a Declaration
of Maritime Labour Compliance attached)

Issued under  the  provisions of Article V and Title 5 of the Maritime
Labour Convention, 2006
(referred to below as "the Convention")
under the authority of the Government of:

          (full designation of the State whose flag the ship
                         is entitled to fly)
       (full designation and address of the competent authority
   or recognized organization duly authorized under the provisions
                          of the Convention)

                       Particulars of the ship

Name of ship..........................................................
Distinctive number or letters.........................................
Port of registry......................................................
Date of registry......................................................
Gross tonnage <*>.....................................................
IMO number............................................................
Type of ship..........................................................
Name and address of the shipowner <**>................................

     This is to certify:
     1.  That  this  ship  has  been  inspected  and verified to be in
compliance with the requirements of the Convention, and the provisions
of the attached Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance.
     2. That the seafarers` working and living conditions specified in
Appendix  A5-I  of  the  Convention  were  found  to correspond to the
abovementioned   country`s   national  requirements  implementing  the
Convention.   These   national  requirements  are  summarized  in  the
Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance, Part I.
     This Certificate is valid until .......... subject to inspections
in accordance with Standards A5.1.3 and A5.1.4 of the Convention.
     This  Certificate  is valid only when the Declaration of Maritime
Labour Compliance issued
at............................ on........................ is attached.
Completion date of the inspection on which this Certificate
is based was..........................................................
Issued at..................... on.....................................
Signature of the duly authorized official issuing the Certificate
(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

     Endorsements   for  mandatory  intermediate  inspection  and,  if
required, any additional inspection

     This is to certify that the ship was inspected in accordance with
Standards  A5.1.3 and A5.1.4 of the Convention and that the seafarers`
working  and  living  conditions  specified  in  Appendix  A5-I of the
Convention  were  found to correspond to the above-mentioned country`s
national requirements implementing the Convention.

Intermediate inspection:        Signed............................
(to be completed between        (Signature of authorized official)
the second and third
anniversary dates)              Place.............................
                                (Seal or stamp of the authority,
                                as appropriate)

                Additional endorsements (if required)

     This is to certify that the ship was the subject of an additional
inspection  for the purpose of verifying that the ship continued to be
in   compliance   with  the  national  requirements  implementing  the
Convention,  as  required  by  Standard  A3.1,  paragraph  3,  of  the
Convention    (re-registration    or    substantial    alteration   of
accommodation) or for other reasons.

Additional inspection:          Signed............................
(if required)                   (Signature of authorized official)
                                (Seal or stamp of the authority,
                                as appropriate)

Additional inspection:          Signed............................
(if required)                   (Signature of authorized official)
                                (Seal or stamp of the authority,
                                as appropriate)

Additional inspection:          Signed............................
(if required)                   (Signature of authorized official)
                                (Seal or stamp of the authority,
                                as appropriate)

     <*>  For  ships covered by the tonnage measurement interim scheme
adopted by the IMO, the gross tonnage is that which is included in the
REMARKS  column  of  the International Tonnage Certificate (1969). See
Article II (1) (c) of the Convention.
     <**>   Shipowner   means   the  owner  of  the  ship  or  another
organization  or  person,  such  as  the  manager,  agent  or bareboat
charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the
ship  from  the  owner  and  who, on assuming such responsibility, has
agreed  to  take  over  the  duties  and  responsibilities  imposed on
shipowners  in  accordance with this Convention, regardless of whether
any  other  organizations  or  persons fulfil certain of the duties or
responsibilities on behalf of the shipowner. See Article II (1) (j) of
the Convention.

                   MARITIME LABOUR CONVENTION, 2006


               (Note: This Declaration must be attached
              to the ship`s Maritime Labour Certificate)

     Issued  under  the  authority  of:  ............. (insert name of
competent  authority as defined in Article II, paragraph 1 (a), of the

     With respect to the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention,
2006, the following referenced ship:

| Name of ship           | IMO number    | Gross tonnage             |
|                        |               |                           |
|                        |               |                           |
|                        |               |                           |
|                        |               |                           |

     is   maintained   in  accordance  with  Standard  A5.1.3  of  the
     The   undersigned  declares,  on  behalf  of  the  abovementioned
competent authority, that:
     (a)  the  provisions  of the Maritime Labour Convention are fully
embodied in the national requirements referred to below;
     (b)  these  national  requirements  are contained in the national
provisions  referenced  below;  explanations concerning the content of
those provisions are provided where necessary;
     (c)  the  details  of any substantial equivalencies under Article
VI, paragraphs 3 and 4, are provided <under the corresponding national
requirement  listed  below>  <in the section provided for this purpose
below> (strike out the statement which is not applicable);
     (d)   any  exemptions  granted  by  the  competent  authority  in
accordance  with Title 3 are clearly indicated in the section provided
for this purpose below; and
     (e)   any   ship-type   specific   requirements   under  national
legislation are also referenced under the requirements concerned.
1. Minimum age (Regulation 1.1).......................................
2. Medical certification (Regulation 1.2).............................
3. Qualifications of seafarers (Regulation 1.3).......................
4. Seafarers` employment agreements (Regulation 2.1)..................
5. Use of any licensed or certified or regulated  private  recruitment
and placement service (Regulation 1.4)................................
6. Hours of work or rest (Regulation 2.3).............................
7. Manning levels for the ship (Regulation 2.7).......................
8. Accommodation (Regulation 3.1).....................................
9. On-board recreational facilities (Regulation 3.1)..................
10. Food and catering (Regulation 3.2)................................
11. Health and safety and accident prevention (Regulation 4.3)........
12. On-board medical care (Regulation 4.1)............................
13. On-board complaint procedures (Regulation 5.1.5)..................
14. Payment of wages (Regulation 2.2).................................
                                  (Seal or stamp of the authority,
                                  as appropriate)

                      Substantial equivalencies

       (Note: Strike out the statement which is not applicable)

     The   following  substantial  equivalencies,  as  provided  under
Article VI, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Convention, except where stated
above, are noted (insert description if applicable):
     No equivalency has been granted.
                                      (Seal or stamp of the authority,
                                              as appropriate)


       (Note: Strike out the statement which is not applicable)

     The  following  exemptions  granted by the competent authority as
provided in Title 3 of the Convention are noted:
     No exemption has been granted.
                                      (Seal or stamp of the authority,
                                                       as appropriate)


                  Measures adopted to ensure ongoing
                    compliance between inspections

     The following measures have been drawn up by the shipowner, named
in  the  Maritime  Labour  Certificate  to  which  this Declaration is
attached, to ensure ongoing compliance between inspections:
     (State below the measures drawn up to ensure compliance with each
of the items in Part I)
1. Minimum age (Regulation 1.1)                                ---
2. Medical certification (Regulation 1.2)                      ---
3. Qualifications of seafarers (Regulation 1.3)                ---
4. Seafarers` employment agreements (Regulation 2.1)           ---
5. Use of any licensed or certified or regulated private       ---
recruitment and placement service (Regulation 1.4).............|-|
6. Hours of work or rest (Regulation 2.3)                      ---
7. Manning levels for the ship (Regulation 2.7)                ---
8. Accommodation (Regulation 3.1)                              ---
9. On-board recreational facilities (Regulation 3.1)           ---
10. Food and catering (Regulation 3.2)                         ---
11. Health and safety and accident prevention (Regulation 4.3) ---
12. On-board medical care (Regulation 4.1)                     ---
13. On-board complaint procedures (Regulation 5.1.5)           ---
14. Payment of wages (Regulation 2.2)                          ---

     I  hereby  certify  that the above measures have been drawn up to
ensure  ongoing compliance, between inspections, with the requirements
listed in Part I.
                               Name of shipowner: <*>.................
                               Company address:.......................
                               Name of the authorized signatory:......
                               Signature of the authorized signatory:
                                (Stamp or seal of the shipowner <*>)

     The  above  measures  have  been  reviewed  by  (insert  name  of
competent  authority  or  duly recognized organization) and, following
inspection  of  the ship, have been determined as meeting the purposes
set out under Standard A5.1.3, paragraph 10 (b), regarding measures to
ensure initial and ongoing compliance with the requirements set out in
Part I of this Declaration.
                                     (Seal or stamp of the authority,
                                             as appropriate)

     <*> Shipowner means the owner of the ship or another organization
or  person,  such as the manager, agent or bareboat charterer, who has
assumed  the  responsibility  for  the  operation of the ship from the
owner  and  who,  on  assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take
over   the  duties  and  responsibilities  imposed  on  shipowners  in
accordance  with  this  Convention,  regardless  of  whether any other
organizations   or   persons   fulfil   certain   of   the  duties  or
responsibilities on behalf of the shipowner. See Article II (1) (j) of
the Convention.


Issued under  the  provisions of Article V and Title 5 of the Maritime
Labour Convention, 2006
(referred to below as "the Convention")
under the authority of the Government of:

    (full designation of the State whose flag the ship is entitled
                               to fly)
by ...................................................................
       (full designation and address of the competent authority
           or recognized organization duly authorized under
                  the provisions of the Convention)

                      Particulars of the ship

Name of ship..........................................................
Distinctive number or letters.........................................
Port of registry......................................................
Date of registry......................................................
Gross tonnage <*>.....................................................
IMO number............................................................
Type of ship..........................................................
Name and address of the shipowner <**>................................
     This  is  to  certify,  for  the  purposes  of  Standard  A5.1.3,
paragraph 7, of the Convention, that:
     (a)  this  ship  has  been  inspected,  as  far as reasonable and
practicable,   for   the  matters  listed  in  Appendix  A5-I  to  the
Convention,  taking  into account verification of items under (b), (c)
and (d) below;
     (b)  the shipowner has demonstrated to the competent authority or
recognized  organization  that  the  ship  has  adequate procedures to
comply with the Convention;
     (c)   the  master  is  familiar  with  the  requirements  of  the
Convention and the responsibilities for implementation; and
     (d)  relevant  information  has  been  submitted to the competent
authority  or  recognized  organization  to  produce  a Declaration of
Maritime Labour Compliance.
     This Certificate is valid until ........... subject to
     inspections in accordance with Standards A5.1.3 and A5.1.4.
     Completion date of the inspection referred to under (a)
     above was...............
     Issued at....................... on...........................
     Signature of the duly authorized official
     issuing the interim certificate...............................
     (Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)
     <*>  For  ships covered by the tonnage measurement interim scheme
adopted by the IMO, the gross tonnage is that which is included in the
REMARKS  column  of  the International Tonnage Certificate (1969). See
Article II (1) (c) of the Convention.
     <**>   Shipowner   means   the  owner  of  the  ship  or  another
organization  or  person,  such  as  the  manager,  agent  or bareboat
charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the
ship  from  the  owner  and  who, on assuming such responsibility, has
agreed  to  take  over  the  duties  and  responsibilities  imposed on
shipowners  in  accordance with this Convention, regardless of whether
any  other  organizations  or  persons fulfil certain of the duties or
responsibilities on behalf of the shipowner. See Article II (1) (j) of
the Convention.


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