3. Protection of soil and water 3.1. A landfill must be situated and designed so as to meet the necessary conditions for preventing pollution of the soil, groundwater or surface water and ensuring efficient collection of leachate as and when required according to Section 2. Protection of soil, groundwater and surface water is to be achieved by the combination of a geological barrier and a bottom liner during the operational/active phase and by the combination of a geological barrier and a bottom liner during the operational/active phase and by the combination of a geological barrier and a top liner during the passive phase/post closure. 3.2. The geological barrier is determined by geological and hydrogeological conditions below and in the vicinity of a landfill site providing sufficient attenuation capacity to prevent a potential risk to soil and groundwater. The landfill base and sides shall consist of a mineral layer which satisfies permeability and thickness requirements with a combined effect in terms of protection of soil, groundwater and surface water at least equivalent to the one resulting from the following requirements: -9 - landfill for hazardous waste: К <= 1,0 x 10 m/s; thickness >= 5 m, -9 - landfill for non-hazardous waste: К <= 1,0 x 10 m/s; thickness >= 1 m, -7 - landfill for inert waste: К <= 1,0 x 10 m/s; thickness >= 1 m, m/s: meter/second. Where the geological barrier does not naturally meet the above conditions it can be completed artificially and reinforced by other means giving equivalent protection. An artificially established geological barrier should be no less than 0,5 metres thick. 3.3. In addition to the geological barrier described above a leachate collection and sealing system must be added in accordance with the following principles so as to ensure that leachate accumulation at the base of the landfill is kept to a minimum: Leachate collection and bottom sealing ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Landfill | non hazardous | hazardous | | category | | | |-----------------------|--------------------|-------------------| |Artificial sealing |required |required | |liner | | | |-----------------------|--------------------|-------------------| |Drainage layer >= 0,5 m|required |required | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Member States may set general or specific requirements for inert waste landfills and for the characteristics of the abovementioned technical means. If the competent authority after a consideration of the potential hazards to the environment finds that the prevention of leachate formation is necessary, a surface sealing may be prescribed. Recommendations for the surface sealing are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Landfill category | non hazardous | hazardous | |-------------------------------|---------------|----------------| |Gas drainage layer |required |not required | |-------------------------------|---------------|----------------| |Artificial sealing liner |not required |required | |-------------------------------|---------------|----------------| |Impermeable mineral layer |required |required | |-------------------------------|---------------|----------------| |Drainage layer > 0,5 m |required |required | |-------------------------------|---------------|----------------| |Top soil cover > 1 m |required |required. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4. If, on the basis of an assessment of environmental risks taking into account, in particular, Directive 80/68/EEC <*>, the competent authority has decided, in accordance with Section 2 ("Water control and leachate management"), that collection and treatment of leachate is not necessary or it has been established that the landfill poses no potential hazard to soil, groundwater or surface water, the requirements in paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 above may be reduced accordingly. In the case of landfills for inert waste these requirements may be adapted by national legislation. -------------------------------- <*> OJ L 20, 26.1.1980, p. 43. Directive as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC (OJ L 377, 31.12.1991, p. 48). 3.5. The method to be used for the determination of the permeability coefficient for landfills, in the field and for the whole extension of the site, is to be developed and approved by the Committee set up under Article 17 of this Directive. |