О РЕАДМИССИИ. Соглашение. Правительство РФ. 21.09.09

Фрагмент документа "О РЕАДМИССИИ".

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Article 4
                     Readmission of Swiss nationals
     1)  The  Swiss Confederation shall admit, upon application by the
Russian  Federation  and in accordance with the procedure provided for
in  this  Agreement, any person who does not, or no longer, fulfil the
conditions  in  force  for  entry to, presence in, or residence on the
territory  of  the Russian Federation provided that it is established,
in  accordance with Article 9 of this Agreement, that such person is a
national of the Swiss Confederation.
     The same shall apply to illegally present or residing persons who
possessed  the  nationality  of the Swiss Confederation at the time of
entering  the  territory  of  the  Russian Federation but subsequently
renounced  the  nationality  of  the Swiss Confederation in accordance
with   the   national  laws  of  the  latter,  without  acquiring  the
nationality  or a residence authorisation of the Russian Federation or
any other State.
     2)  After  the  Swiss Confederation has given a positive reply to
the  readmission  application,  the  competent  diplomatic  mission or
consular  post  of  the  Swiss Confederation shall irrespective of the
will  of  the person to be readmitted, as necessary and without delay,
issue  a  travel  document required for the return of the person to be
readmitted  with a period of validity of 30 calendar days. If, for any
reason,  the  person concerned cannot be transferred within the period
of  validity of that travel document, the competent diplomatic mission
or  consular  post of the Swiss Confederation shall issue a new travel
document with a period of validity of the same duration without delay.

Фрагмент документа "О РЕАДМИССИИ".

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