О РЕАДМИССИИ. Соглашение. Правительство РФ. 21.09.09

Фрагмент документа "О РЕАДМИССИИ".

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Article 12
                              Time limits
     1)  The  application  for  readmission  must  be submitted to the
central competent authority of the requested State within a maximum of
180  calendar days from the date when the requesting State`s competent
authority  has  gained  knowledge  that  a third-country national or a
stateless  person  does  not,  or  no longer, fulfil the conditions in
force for entry, presence or residence.
     2)  A readmission application must be replied to within a maximum
of  25  calendar  days  from  the  date  of  confirmed  receipt of the
readmission application. Where there are legal or factual obstacles to
the  application  being replied to in time, the time limit shall, upon
duly motivated request, be extended up to 60 calendar days.
     3)  Upon  expiry of the time limits referred to in paragraph 2 of
this Article, the readmission shall be deemed to have been agreed to.
     4)  The  person concerned shall be transferred within 90 calendar
days.  Upon duly motivated request, this time limit may be extended by
the  time  taken  to  deal with legal or practical obstacles. The time
limits  provided  for  in this paragraph begin to run with the date of
receipt of a positive reply to the readmission application.

Фрагмент документа "О РЕАДМИССИИ".

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