О РЕАДМИССИИ. Соглашение. Правительство РФ. 21.09.09

Фрагмент документа "О РЕАДМИССИИ".

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Article 15
                           General principles
     1)  The  Russian  Federation  and  the  Swiss Confederation shall
restrict  the  transit of third-country nationals or stateless persons
to  cases  where  such  persons  cannot  be  returned  to the State of
destination directly.
     2)   The   Russian   Federation   shall   allow  the  transit  of
third-country   nationals   or   stateless   persons   if   the  Swiss
Confederation so requests, and the Swiss Confederation shall authorise
the  transit  of  third-country  nationals or stateless persons if the
Russian  Federation  so  requests, if the onward journey through other
States  of  transit  and  the admission by the State of destination is
     3)  Transit  can  be  refused by the Russian Federation or by the
Swiss Confederation:
     a) if the third-country national or the stateless person runs the
risk  of  being  subjected  to  torture  or  to  inhuman  or degrading
treatment or punishment or the death penalty or of persecution because
of  his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social
group  or  political conviction in the State of destination or another
State of transit; or
     b) if the third-country national or the stateless person shall be
subject to criminal prosecution or sanctions in the requested State or
in another State of transit; or
     c)  on  grounds of public health, domestic security, public order
or other national interests of the requested State.
     4)  The  Russian Federation or the Swiss Confederation may revoke
any  authorisation  issued if circumstances referred to in paragraph 3
of this Article subsequently arise or come to light which stand in the
way  of  the  transit  operation, or if the onward journey in possible
States of transit or the readmission by the State of destination is no
longer assured. In this case, the requesting State shall take back the
third-country  national  or  the  stateless  person,  as necessary and
without delay.

Фрагмент документа "О РЕАДМИССИИ".

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