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                      КОНВЕНЦИЙ И РЕКОМЕНДАЦИЙ,

|         Номер и название конвенции         |Пункты  Декларации,|
|               и рекомендации               | которых  касается |
|                                            |    данный акт     |
|                           Конвенции                            |
|148 1977 года о производственной среде      | 37                |
|    (загрязнение воздуха, шум и вибрация)   |                   |
|154 1981 года о коллективных переговорах    | 9, 50             |
|155 1981 года о безопасности и гигиене труда| 37                |
|156 1981 года о трудящихся с семейными      | 21                |
|    обязанностями                           |                   |
|158 1982 года о прекращении трудовых        | 9, 26, 27, 28     |
|    отношений                               |                   |
|161 1985 года о службах гигиены труда       | 37                |
|162 1986 года об асбесте                    | 37                |
|167 1988 года о безопасности и гигиене труда| 37                |
|    в строительстве                         |                   |
|168 1988 года о содействии занятости и      | 13                |
|    защите от безработицы                   |                   |
|170 1990 года о химических веществах        | 37                |
|173 1992 года о защите требований трудящихся| 28                |
|    в случае неплатежеспособности их        |                   |
|    предпринимателей                        |                   |
|174 1993 года о предотвращении крупных      | 37                |
|    промышленных аварий                     |                   |
|176 1995 года о безопасности и гигиене труда| 37                |
|    на шахтах                               |                   |
|                         Рекомендации                           |
|156 1977 года о производственной среде      | 37                |
|    (загрязнение воздуха, шум и вибрация)   |                   |
|163 1981 года о коллективных переговорах    | 52, 55, 56        |
|164 1981 года о безопасности и гигиене труда| 37                |
|165 1981 года о трудящихся с семейными      | 21                |
|    обязанностями                           |                   |
|166 1982 года о прекращении трудовых        | 9, 26, 27, 28     |
|    отношений                               |                   |
|169 1984 года о политике в области занятости| 9, 13             |
|    (дополнительные положения)              |                   |
|171 1985 года о службах гигиены труда       | 37                |
|172 1986 года об асбесте                    | 37                |
|175 1988 года о безопасности и гигиене труда| 37                |
|    в строительстве                         |                   |
|176 1988 года о содействии занятости и      | 13                |
|    защите от безработицы                   |                   |
|177 1990 года о химических веществах        | 37                |
|180 1992 года о защите требований трудящихся| 28                |
|    в случае неплатежеспособности их        |                   |
|    предпринимателей                        |                   |
|181 1993 года о предотвращении крупных      | 37                |
|    промышленных аварий                     |                   |
|183 1995 года о безопасности и гигиене труда| 37                |
|    на шахтах                               |                   |

                                                         Добавление II

                                                      на 277-ой сессии
                                          Административного совета МОТ
                                         в марте 2000 года в г. Женеве

     В июне  1998  года  Международная   конференция   труда   приняла
Декларацию  МОТ  об основополагающих принципах и правах в сфере труда.
Фактом ее принятия  государства-члены  Организации  вновь  подтвердили
свои обязательства соблюдать,  содействовать и применять, в частности,
следующие основополагающие принципы и права в сфере труда:
     a) свободу  объединения  и действенное признание права на ведение
коллективных переговоров;
     b) упразднение всех форм принудительного или обязательного труда;
     c) действенное запрещение детского труда; и
     d) недопущение дискриминации в области труда и занятий.
     Декларация МОТ об основополагающих принципах  и  правах  в  сфере
труда  применима  ко  всем ее государствам-членам.  Тем не менее вклад
многонациональных корпораций в  дело  реализации  ее  положений  может
оказаться весомым дополнением к достижению поставленных в ней целей. В
этом контексте при интерпретации и применении Трехсторонней декларации
принципов,   касающихся   многонациональных  корпораций  и  социальной
политики,  следует в полной мере  учитывать  цели  Декларации  МОТ  об
основополагающих  принципах  и  правах в сфере труда.  Такой учет ни в
коей  мере  не  затрагивает  добровольного  характера  или  толкования
положений     Трехсторонней     декларации    принципов,    касающихся
многонациональных корпораций и социальной политики.


                        TRIPARTITE DECLARATION

                         (Geneva, 16.XI.1977)

                 (As amended at the Governing Body`s
          of the ILO 279th Session (Geneva, November 2000))

     The Governing Body of the International Labour Office;
     Recalling that  the  International  Labour  Organization for many
years has been involved with certain  social  issues  related  to  the
activities of multinational enterprises;
     Noting in particular that various Industrial Committees, Regional
Conferences,   and  the  International  Labour  Conference  since  the
mid-1960s have requested appropriate action by the Governing  Body  in
the field of multinational enterprises and social policy;
     Having been informed of the  activities  of  other  international
bodies,  in particular the UN Commission on Transnational Corporations
and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD);
     Considering that  the ILO,  with its unique tripartite structure,
its competence,  and its long-standing experience in the social field,
has  an essential role to play in evolving principles for the guidance
of   governments,   workers`   and   employers`   organizations,   and
multinational enterprises themselves;
     Recalling that it convened a Tripartite Meeting of Experts on the
Relationship  between  Multinational  Enterprises and Social Policy in
1972,  which recommended an ILO programme of research and study, and a
Tripartite  Advisory  Meeting  on  the  Relationship  of Multinational
Enterprises and Social Policy in 1976 for the purpose of reviewing the
ILO programme of research and suggesting appropriate ILO action in the
social and labour field;
     Bearing in   mind  the  deliberations  of  the  World  Employment
     Having thereafter  decided  to  establish  a  tripartite group to
prepare a Draft Tripartite Declaration of Principles covering  all  of
the  areas  of  ILO  concern which relate to the social aspects of the
activities of multinational enterprises, including employment creation
in  the  developing  countries,  all  the  while  bearing  in mind the
recommendations made by the Tripartite Advisory Meeting held in 1976;
     Having also  decided to reconvene the Tripartite Advisory Meeting
to consider the Draft Declaration of Principles  as  prepared  by  the
tripartite group;
     Having considered  the  Report  and  the  Draft  Declaration   of
Principles  submitted  to  it  by  the  reconvened Tripartite Advisory
     Hereby approves  the  following Declaration which may be cited as
the Tripartite  Declaration  of  Principles  concerning  Multinational
Enterprises  and  Social Policy,  adopted by the Governing Body of the
International Labour Office, and invites governments of States Members
of  the  ILO,  the employers` and workers` organizations concerned and
the  multinational  enterprises  operating  in  their  territories  to
observe the principles embodied therein.
     1. Multinational  enterprises  play  an  important  part  in  the
economies  of  most countries and in international economic relations.
This is of increasing interest to governments as well as to  employers
and workers and their respective organizations.  Through international
direct  investment  and  other  means  such  enterprises   can   bring
substantial benefits to home and host countries by contributing to the
more efficient utilization of capital,  technology and labour.  Within
the framework of development policies established by governments, they
can also make an important contribution to the promotion  of  economic
and  social  welfare;  to  the improvement of living standards and the
satisfaction  of  basic  needs;  to   the   creation   of   employment
opportunities,  both directly and indirectly;  and to the enjoyment of
basic human rights,  including freedom of association,  throughout the
world.   On  the  other  hand,  the  advances  made  by  multinational
enterprises  in  organizing  their  operations  beyond  the   national
framework may lead to abuse of concentrations of economic power and to
conflicts with national policy objectives and with the interest of the
workers.  In addition, the complexity of multinational enterprises and
the  difficulty  of  clearly  perceiving  their  diverse   structures,
operations  and  policies sometimes give rise to concern either in the
home or in the host countries, or in both <1>.
     <1> Paragraphs 1 - 7,  8,  10, 25, 26, and 52 (formerly paragraph
51)  have  been  the subject of interpretation under the Procedure for
the  examination  of  disputes  concerning  the  application  of   the
Tripartite   Declaration   of   Principles   concerning  Multinational
Enterprises and Social Policy. Copies of interpretations are available
upon  request  to  the  Bureau of Multinational Enterprise Activities,
International Labour Office,  4,  route des Morillons,  CH-1211 Geneva
22, Switzerland, or at http://www.ilo.org.

     2. The  aim  of  this  Tripartite Declaration of Principles is to
encourage the positive contribution  which  multinational  enterprises
can  make  to economic and social progress and to minimize and resolve
the difficulties to which their  various  operations  may  give  rise,
taking  into  account  the  United  Nations resolutions advocating the
establishment of a New International Economic Order.
     3. This  aim  will be furthered by appropriate laws and policies,
measures and actions adopted by the  governments  and  by  cooperation
among the governments and the employers` and workers` organizations of
all countries.
     4. The  principles  set  out in this Declaration are commended to
the governments, the employers` and workers` organizations of home and
host countries and to the multinational enterprises themselves.
     5. These principles are intended to guide  the  governments,  the
employers`   and   workers`   organizations   and   the  multinational
enterprises in taking such measures  and  actions  and  adopting  such
social policies,  including those based on the principles laid down in
the Constitution and the relevant Conventions and  Recommendations  of
the ILO, as would further social progress.
     6. To serve its purpose  this  Declaration  does  not  require  a
precise legal definition of multinational enterprises;  this paragraph
is designed to facilitate the understanding of the Declaration and not
to  provide  such  a  definition.  Multinational  enterprises  include
enterprises,  whether they are of public,  mixed or private ownership,
which  own  or  control  production,  distribution,  services or other
facilities outside the country in which they are based.  The degree of
autonomy  of  entities within multinational enterprises in relation to
each  other  varies  widely  from  one  such  enterprise  to  another,
depending  on  the nature of the links between such entities and their
fields of activity and having regard to the  great  diversity  in  the
form  of  ownership,  in  the size,  in the nature and location of the
operations of the enterprises concerned.  Unless otherwise  specified,
the  term  "multinational  enterprise"  is used in this Declaration to
designate the various entities (parent companies or local entities  or
both  or the organization as a whole) according to the distribution of
responsibilities  among  them,  in  the  expectation  that  they  will
cooperate  and  provide  assistance  to  one  another  as necessary to
facilitate observance of the principles laid down in the Declaration.
     7. This   Declaration  sets  out  principles  in  the  fields  of
employment,  training,  conditions of work  and  life  and  industrial
relations which governments, employers` and workers` organizations and
multinational enterprises are recommended to observe  on  a  voluntary
basis;  its provisions shall not limit or otherwise affect obligations
arising out of ratification of any ILO Convention.


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