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импортирующей   Стороны   на   законных   основаниях,   в  государство
экспортирующей  Стороны  или  в  иное место, одобренное экспортирующей
Стороной,  продолжают действовать в полном объеме и во всех отношениях
после  прекращения  действия  настоящего  Соглашения в течение периода
времени  либо определенного в ходе передачи охраняемых изделий, либо в
ходе определения практических мер, предусмотренных пунктом 4 настоящей
     В  удостоверение  чего  нижеподписавшиеся,  должным образом на то
уполномоченные    их   соответствующими   Правительствами,   подписали
настоящее Соглашение.

     Совершено в Сеуле 17 октября 2006 года в двух экземплярах, каждый
на  русском,  корейском  и  английском языках, причем все тексты имеют
одинаковую  силу.  В  случае  любых расхождений в толковании положений
настоящего Соглашения используется текст на английском языке.


                     SPACE FOR PEACEFUL PURPOSES
                          (Seoul, 17.X.2006)

     The  Government  of  the Russian Federation and the Government of
the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"),
     Reaffirming   their  commitment  to  the  Agreement  between  the
Government  of  the  Russian  Federation  and  the  Government  of the
Republic  of  Korea on Cooperation in the Field of the Exploration and
Use  of  Outer  Space  for  Peaceful  Purposes  of  21  September 2004
(hereinafter  referred  to  as  "the  Agreement  on  Cooperation of 21
September 2004"),
     Expressing  their  common  desire  to  ensure  conditions for the
conduct  of  such cooperation between the organizations of the Russian
Federation and the Republic of Korea, including through joint ventures
and  other  types  of  partnerships,  and  for  the  implementation of
initiatives which, on the basis of mutual benefit, will enable them to
utilise  to  the  full  extent the mutually complementary character of
different types of space activities carried out in their States,
     Considering  that  the export of goods and services in connection
with  the  development  of  such cooperation necessitates in practical
terms  its legal regulation in the spirit of mutual responsibility and
on the basis of mutual assistance,
     Being  guided  by  the necessity to provide for the establishment
and  application,  on  the  basis of mutual understanding and with due
regard  to  the  interests  of  the States of the Parties, of relevant
general principles and norms of ensuring the safeguarding of protected
items in the context of joint activities in the exploration and use of
outer space and the application of space technologies,
     Acknowledging  the  security  and  non-proliferation requirements
with  regard  to  projects  of  cooperation  with  the use of advanced
     Taking  into  account  the requirements of the Missile Technology
Control  Regime  and  the  Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Control for
Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies,
     Being  guided  by  the  laws  of  the  Russian Federation and the
Republic of Korea in the field of export control,
     Considering the development of the friendly relations between the
Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea on the basis of trust and
     Have agreed as follows:

                              Article 1

     1.  For  the purposes of this Agreement the following definitions
shall apply:
     a)  "protected  items" shall mean any goods representing objects,
materials,  supplied or manufactured products, including equipment for
various  purposes,  any  technologies,  representing,  in  particular,
inventions,  utility models, know-how, industrial designs and computer
software,  inter  alia,  in  the  form  of technical data or technical
assistance   and/or   containing   information  (other  than  publicly
available  information)  in  any  form, including written information,
oral  information, blueprints, drawings, photographs, video materials,
plans, instructions and documentation needed for the technical design,
engineering,  development,  production,  processing, manufacture, use,
operation, overhaul, repair, maintenance, modification, enhancement or
modernization  of  protected  items,  with  respect to which the state
bodies  authorized  in accordance with the laws of the State of either
of  the  Parties  issue  export  licenses and/or with respect to which
either of the Parties issues other permits for export to the territory
of  the  State  of the other Party and the exporting Party through its
authorized bodies exercises control in accordance with the laws of its
State and on the basis of this Agreement;
     b)  "control" shall mean any requirement or condition with regard
to  the  export  or  re-export of protected items, including licenses,
other permits, record keeping and reporting requirements, with the aim
of ensuring the effective implementation of export control;
     c)  "joint  activities"  shall mean all actions pertaining to the
treatment  of  protected  items  in  connection  with  their technical
design, engineering, development, production, processing, manufacture,
use,   operation,   overhaul,   repair,   maintenance,   modification,
enhancement,   modernization,  transportation  or  storage,  including
provision of technical guidance and operation and marketing services;
     d)  "consignees"  shall  mean  any  natural  and/or legal persons
issued  licenses  to import and/or export protected items and/or other
permits to import and/or export protected items in accordance with the
laws of the States of the Parties;
     e) "Russian representatives" shall mean natural persons, that are
employed in the service of the State in the Russian Federation, and/or
natural  and/or legal persons that are authorized by the Government of
the  Russian  Federation to carry out joint activities and measures in
the  implementation  of  this Agreement, including any duly authorized
representatives  of  the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian
consignees,   their   employees,   representatives,   contractors   or
subcontractors who, in connection with the issuing by the state bodies
authorized  in  accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, of
export/import  licenses  and/or  in connection with the issuing by the
Government  of the Russian Federation of other permits, participate in
joint activities and/or have or may have access to protected items and
are under the jurisdiction and/or control of the Russian Federation;
     f)  "Korean representatives" shall mean natural persons, that are
employed  in the service of the State in the Republic of Korea, and/or
natural  and/or legal persons that are authorized by the Government of
the  Republic  of  Korea to carry out joint activities and measures in
the  implementation  of  this Agreement, including any duly authorized
representatives  of  the  Government  of the Republic of Korea, Korean
consignees,   their   employees,   representatives,   contractors   or
subcontractors who, in connection with the issuing by the state bodies
authorized  in  accordance  with the laws of the Republic of Korea, of
export/import  licenses  and/or  in connection with the issuing by the
Government  of  the Republic of Korea of other permits, participate in
joint activities and/or have or may have access to protected items and
are under the jurisdiction and/or control of the Republic of Korea;
     g) "representatives of the exporting Party/importing Party" shall
mean the Russian representatives or the Korean representatives;
     h)  "participants  (in  joint activities)" shall mean consignees,
and  any  other  natural and/or legal persons that, in accordance with
the  laws  of  the  States of the Parties, are issued licenses for the
import  and/or  export  of  protected  items and are authorized by the
Parties  to  carry  out joint activities and are named in the relevant
licenses and/or other permits issued in the States of the Parties;
     i)  "authorized officials of the exporting Party/importing Party"
shall  mean  representatives  of  the  exporting Party/importing Party
and/or  other  officials  that  obtained  special permissions from the
Parties  and/or  their authorized bodies to perform specific functions
in implementation of this Agreement;
     j)  "prescribed  officials"  shall mean officials of the internal
affairs  bodies,  customs services and quarantine services, as well as
judicial  officers, emergency personnel and other relevant Russian and
Korean  officials,  who  are  issued with special permissions from the
Government  of  the  Russian Federation and from the Government of the
Republic  of  Korea  through  their  authorized  bodies, respectively,
indicating  that  such  officials  are  authorized to perform specific
functions  in  the  territory and in accordance with the laws of their
States, which may relate to joint activities;
     k)  "technology  security  plans" shall mean plans containing, in
the  form  of  written  instructions  or other mandatory provisions, a
detailed  account of specific measures to observe the requirements for
safeguarding  protected  items on a permanent basis, including special
conditions  and  limitations designed for emergencies, the description
of operations for all facilities, premises, transportation vehicles or
their  separate  zones  where  protected  items  are  located with the
indication  of  the procedures for security and access to such places,
the  procedure for operations with respect to their loading/unloading,
requirements  for  the access of personnel to operation areas, methods
and systems of technical control and registration, and the time, place
and    procedure    for   transferring   the   responsibility   during
transportation,  procedures  for  the  protection and use of rights to
intellectual   property  and  the  results  of  intellectual  activity
associated  with  protected  items, as well as for the development and
implementation  of  plans  for  the assessment and use of technologies
associated with protected items.
     2.  For the purposes of this Agreement and Protocols provided for
in paragraph 3 of Article 19 of this Agreement the terms "intellectual
property"  and  "confidential  information"  shall  have  the  meaning
provided for in the Agreement on Cooperation of 21 September 2004.

                              Article 2
                Implementation Authority and Functions

     1. For the purposes of implementing this Agreement the authorized
bodies  of  the  Parties shall be: for the Russian Party - the Federal
Space  Agency,  the  Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and
the  Federal  Service for Technical and Export Control; for the Korean
Party - the Ministry of Science and Technology.
     2.  The  Parties may replace their authorized bodies or designate
in  addition  other  authorized  bodies and shall inform each other of
such decision through diplomatic channels.
     3.  The  Parties  shall,  upon  concerted recommendation of their
authorized  bodies,  duly  notify each other of the authorized bodies,
identified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, which they designate
for the purposes of maintaining a permanent liaison.
     4.  The  authorized  bodies may involve other interested agencies
and  organizations  of the States of the Parties in the implementation
of activities under this Agreement.
     5.  Unless  the  Parties,  acting  in accordance with the laws of
their  respective  States  and  under  the  procedure  provided for in
paragraph  3  of  Article  19  of  this Agreement, determine the lists
(inventories)  of  protected  items, such lists (inventories) shall be
determined by their authorized bodies.
     6.  The  Parties,  through  their  authorized bodies, shall adopt
relevant measures within the framework of the laws of their States for
the  purpose  of  establishing and ensuring appropriate mechanisms for
interaction  on  the basis of this Agreement and shall develop and put
into  effect  all  necessary  operational executive and administrative
     7.  The  Parties, acting through their authorized bodies, may, if
necessary,   establish   joint  consultative  groups.  The  sphere  of
competence  of  such subsidiary working bodies may include drafting of
reviews on how the principles, norms and procedures stipulated by this
Agreement  are implemented in practice, the consideration of proposals
aimed  at  the development of additional procedures and mechanisms for
interaction within the framework of this Agreement, including:
     a)   preparation  of  advisory  opinions  concerning  recommended
     b)  preparation  of  agreed  statements  in the form of documents
adopted by mutual agreement of the Parties or their authorized bodies,
which shall contain a plan of action or guidelines.
     The  Parties,  acting  through their authorized bodies, shall, if
necessary,  adopt  relevant  norms-setting  documents  regulating  the
activities of the joint consultative groups.

                              Article 3
                       Purposes and Principles

     1.  This  Agreement is concluded for the purposes of establishing
cooperative   relations   with  regard  to  technology  safeguards  in
connection with the implementation of joint programmes and projects in
the  field  of  the  exploration  and  use of outer space for peaceful
purposes. The Parties shall take measures so that any such activity is
in  line  with  the  purposes  of  ensuring the safety and security of
protected  items  declared and marked as such. To this end the Parties
shall  make  use of all means at their disposal in order to create, in
accordance   with   the   applicable   norms   and  rules,  legal  and
organizational conditions for:
     a)  the  prevention of any unauthorized access to protected items
and/or  any  unauthorized  transfer  thereof,  as  well as the risk of
export  of  protected items not for the intended use or their improper
use by the exporter or the importer (end-user);
     b)  the  implementation  by  the  Russian representatives and the
Korean representatives of appropriate functions to safeguard protected
items,  in  order  to  provide  a regime for the effective control and
monitoring,  inspection  and  regulation  of the handling of protected
items, and to take specific measures regarding all issues within their
competence under this Agreement.
     2.  The  Parties,  through  their  authorized  bodies, shall on a
systematic  basis,  review  how  the principles and norms envisaged by
this  Agreement  are  implemented  in practice, and in this connection
     a)  ensure,  considering  agreed methods and criteria, monitoring
for  the  purpose  of the identification, evaluation and analysis on a
regular  basis  of  potential  risks of violation of the procedure for
handling   protected  items  and  ensure  the  appropriate  nature  of
preventive measures and their implementation;
     b)  hold working consultations on an as-planned basis, as well as
at  the  request  of either Party in case of circumstances causing its
     c)  draft  and  provide  on  a  mutual  basis  advisory  opinions
regarding  recommended  practice  for  the effective implementation of
specific   principles   and  norms  of,  as  well  as  procedures  for
safeguarding protected items;
     d)  on  requests of each other, promptly provide explanations and
relevant  information on technical, organizational, policy-related and
legal  issues  to  clarify  and  eliminate  concerns  set  out  in the

                              Article 4
                     Relation to Other Agreements

     1.  Cooperation  within  the framework of this Agreement shall be
without  prejudice  to  the  fulfillment by the Parties of obligations
under  other  international agreements in which the Russian Federation
and the Republic of Korea participate.
     2.  The Parties shall, through their authorized bodies, cooperate
in creating favourable conditions for the conclusion of agreements and
reaching  arrangements  between  the participants in joint activities,
for the purposes of implementing this Agreement.
     3.  The  Parties,  acting  through their authorized bodies, shall
ensure  that all contracts regarding joint activities, entered into by
natural  and  legal  persons  under the jurisdiction and/or control of
their States, are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

                              Article 5
                      Technology Security Plans

     1.   Technology   security  plans  shall  be  elaborated  by  the
participants  in joint activities from both Parties in full conformity
with this Agreement and shall be subject to approval by the authorized
bodies of the Parties well in advance of the commencement of export of
protected items.
     2. The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of
the  Republic  of Korea shall, through their authorized bodies, ensure
that  the  Russian  representatives  and  the  Korean representatives,
respectively, fulfill the obligations set forth in technology security
plans  and  consider  such plans as an integral part of the regulatory
system  for  taking  into  account  security and technology protection
     3. The Parties shall, through their authorized bodies, ensure the
exercise  of  monitoring  and  verification  of  the implementation of
technology security plans.

                              Article 6
                         Validity of Licenses

     1.  The  exporting  Party shall ensure the observance of security
and non-proliferation requirements by means of granting, in accordance
with  the  laws  of  its State, export licenses and other permits with
regard to protected items, as well as by means of appropriate measures
and  procedures  provided  for  in  this  Agreement, and shall inform,
through its authorized body(ies), the other Party of the provisions of
such  export  licenses  and  other  permits. The importing Party shall
ensure  the  observance of security and non-proliferation requirements
by  means  of import licenses, end-user certificates and other permits
which  it  shall  issue  with regard to protected items, as well as by
means  of  appropriate  measures  and  procedures provided for in this
Agreement,  and  shall  inform,  through its authorized body(ies), the
other  Party  of  the  provisions  of  such  import licenses, end-user
certificates and other permits.
     2.  The  Parties  shall  make  their  best  efforts to ensure the
continuity  of  the  licenses issued in their respective States and/or
other   permits  issued  by  them  for  the  implementation  of  joint
     3.  Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the authority of the
Parties  to take any actions and/or adopt any decisions with regard to
licensing  and/or  authorization of joint activities, respectively, in
accordance with the laws and policies of their States.
     4. If the exporting Party establishes that any provisions of this
Agreement,  including those associated with technology security plans,
have  been  definitely  violated  or  may  have  been violated, it may
suspend   or   revoke   any  export  license  and  impose  appropriate
restrictions  on  the export of protected items. In the event that any
such  license  is  suspended  or  revoked,  the  exporting Party shall
promptly  notify  the  importing Party and explain the reasons for its
decision. The Parties shall without delay hold consultations regarding
further policy and adoption of legal measures commensurate with such a
situation,   including   the   introduction  of  a  moratorium  on  or
prohibition against all joint activities or their particular types.
     5. The practice of issuing, suspending or revoking by the Parties
of  licenses  and/or any other permits for the implementation of joint
activities  must  in  all  respects  correspond  to  the  purposes and
requirements of ensuring effective implementation of this Agreement in
full  measure.  Each  Party,  acting through its authorized body(ies),
shall  take all necessary measures to protect the rights and interests
of  the other Party, and of the natural and legal persons of the State
of the other Party, as regards the implementation of this Agreement in
the   event   of   the   dissolution   (closure)   or   reorganization
(re-registration) of the participants in joint activities.
     6.  In  the  event that either Party suspends or revokes licenses
issued  in  its  State  and/or  other  permits  issued  by  it for the
implementation  of  joint  activities  or  upon the completion of such
activities,  the  importing  Party  shall  not  interfere with and, if
necessary,  shall facilitate the expeditious return of protected items
to  the  territory  of  the State of the exporting Party or to another
location approved by the exporting Party, in accordance with the terms
and conditions of licenses and/or other permits for the implementation
of joint activities, issued by the exporting Party.

                              Article 7
                        End-Use Certification

     1. The Parties, in implementing this Agreement, shall ensure that
the  end-use of exported protected items within the framework of joint
activities  correspond to applications presented to the Parties by the
participants as end-users.
     2.  The  Parties  shall  require that participants, as end-users,
draw  up  and  present  to the exporting Party, subject to the laws of
their  States, end-user certificates signed by authorized officials of
the  importing  Party  and officially authenticated, which contain the
obligation of the participants:
     a)  to  use  the protected items exported to the territory of the
State  of the importing Party only for the specified purposes of joint
     b)  not  to  carry  out  or  permit  the  modification,  copying,
reproduction, reverse engineering, modernization (both with the use of
items made in the State of the exporting Party and with the use of any
other  items,  assemblies  and  components)  or re-export of protected
items  or  their derivatives, including exportation from the territory
of   their   State   to  the  address  of  any  controlled  companies,
subsidiaries,  representative  offices, associates or partners, or any
other  subsequent  transfer of such protected items to third states or
natural  and/or  legal persons, without the prior agreement in written
form of the exporting Party and the issuance of an appropriate license
by it.
     3.  The  text  of  the  international import certificate shall be
formulated in such a manner so as to correspond to the requirements of
the  exporting Party as regards guarantees by the importing Party that
protected items shall be used only for the declared purposes and shall
not  be  re-exported  without  the  permission  in written form of the
exporting Party.
     4.  The  importing Party shall inform the exporting Party without
delay  of information received from a participant on any alteration of
facts  or  intentions set out in the international import certificate,
including  alterations  regarding the end-use, copying or modification
of  protected  items, with the understanding that such procedure shall
be  carried  out through the authorized bodies of the Parties, and not
to  view  such  alterations  of  facts  or intentions as lawful in the
absence  of  confirmation  in  written  form  in  this regard from the
exporting Party.
     5.  After the approval of the international import certificate by
the  competent  body  of the State of the importing Party, it shall be
sent  to  the participant in its capacity of importer for presentation
to the exporting Party.

                              Article 8
                   Functions of Control and Escort

     1.  To  ensure  the  permanent  observance of the terms of export
licenses  issued  by  them,  the Parties shall provide on a reciprocal
basis  subject  to  the  observation  of  confidentiality in case of a
relevant   request   the   opportunity  to  conduct  inspections,  the
guidelines  and detailed procedures for the efficient conduct of which
shall  be  agreed upon through the authorized bodies together with the
     2.  The  Russian  representatives  and the Korean representatives
shall be entitled to an unarmed escort on a permanent basis of Russian
protected items and Korean protected items, respectively, during their
stay  in  the  territory of the State of the importing Party and shall
exercise   their  authority  and  perform  functions  of  control  and
monitoring,   inspection  and  regulation  of  the  handling  of  such
protected items in accordance with this Agreement.
     3.  Subject  to  the provisions of Article 13 of the Agreement on
Cooperation  of 21 September 2004 the importing Party shall facilitate
the   entry   into   and  stay  in  the  territory  of  its  State  of
representatives  of  the  exporting  Party  for  the purposes of joint
activities  and  the  appropriate exercise by them of their rights and
functions under this Agreement.
     4. The importing Party shall render appropriate assistance to the
representatives of the exporting Party in their activities carried out
in  exercising  their  rights  and  fulfilling their duties under this
Agreement,  and  shall  take  measures  to prevent access to protected
items,  including  access through the use of any technical means, that
has not been authorized by the representatives of the exporting Party.
     5.  The  importing Party shall ensure that appropriate assistance
is  provided  to  the  representatives  of  the  exporting  Party when
requested by them through the authorized bodies of the Parties, in the
event  they  or  protected  items  entrusted  to them are subjected to
unlawful acts, or when their legitimate requests made pursuant to this
Agreement concerning such protected items are not met.

                              Article 9
                          Access Guidelines

     1.  The  representatives  of  the  exporting Party shall exercise
access  control  to  protected  items  and  shall,  on a permanent and
effective  basis,  manage  access  to  protected facilities, premises,
transportation vehicles or separate zones that are specially set aside
for   works   exclusively   with   protected  items,  including  their
transportation  and storage. The importing Party shall ensure that the
representatives  of  the  importing Party do not enter or stay in such
facilities, premises, transportation vehicles or separate zones unless
they  are  escorted  and monitored by representatives of the exporting
     2.  The  Parties,  acting  through their authorized bodies, shall
assign  the  participants  in joint activities a mission to elaborate,
apply  and  maintain  the  procedures  and system of providing managed
access  to  facilities,  premises, transportation vehicles or separate
zones  that  are  specially  set  aside  for  works  exclusively  with
protected  items, with such managed access being provided upon request
by  representatives of the importing Party and with the permission and
in the presence of representatives of the exporting Party.
     3.   The   representatives   of   the  exporting  Party  and  the
representatives  of  the  importing  Party shall have joint access and
joint   management   of   access   rights   to  facilities,  premises,
transportation  vehicles  or  separate zones, which are used for joint
works  involving  protected items and are controlled separately by the
representatives  of the exporting Party and the representatives of the
importing Party.
     4.  The  Parties  shall  proceed  from the understanding that the
following  set  of  measures  reflects  the basic requirements for the
organization  of  access  to  facilities,  premises and transportation
vehicles  or  their  separate zones referred to in paragraph 3 of this
     a)  identification  of  all  entering/exiting  individuals;  such
individuals   must   have   with   them   duly  registered  passes  or
identification badges;
     b)  monitoring  of  the enforcement of rules regarding access and
stay  with  the  purpose  of  ensuring  confidence  in  the absence of
technical  function flaws and outside interference regarding protected
     c)  evaluation on a regular basis or as needed of the functioning
of  the  whole  system of protection, procedures and timeliness of the
adoption of necessary preventive or remedial measures.
     5.  The  exporting  Party  shall  ensure,  including  through its
authorized   body(ies),  that  its  representatives  abide  by  export
licenses  and  other  permits  when  performing  joint activities. The
importing Party shall ensure, including through its authorized bodies,
that  its  representatives  abide  by end-user certificates and import
licenses when performing joint activities.
     6.  The Parties through their authorized bodies shall give timely
notice  to each other of any operations that may render exercising the
right of the exporting Party to control access to and escort protected
items  impossible,  so  that  suitable  arrangements can be reached to
safeguard protected items.

                              Article 10
                Preventive Marking of Protected Items

     1.  The  Parties shall require that all protected items be marked
and  accompanied  by notifications or be identified in another special
manner.  Such  markings  or  notifications shall indicate the specific
conditions for the use of such protected items within the framework of
joint  activities  and  shall contain a warning about the prohibition,
consistent  with  this  Agreement,  of  any  unauthorized actions with
respect to them.
     2.  The  Parties  shall require that natural and/or legal persons
that  transfer  technical  data  which are protected items shall mark,
while  accompanying with notifications, the carriers of such technical
data for the purposes of ensuring proprietary rights.
     3.  The  Parties  shall  take  all  necessary measures, including
through  their authorized bodies, to ensure that all natural and legal
persons  under  the  jurisdiction and/or control of their States, that
participate  in  joint activities or have or may have any other access
to  such  activities,  handle  protected  items in accordance with the
provisions  and conditions of notifications or identifications. In the
same  manner,  the Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure
that  natural  and/or legal persons that have access to such protected
items  on  legal  grounds  shall  make use of all reasonably necessary
means,  including  by  stipulating appropriate conditions in contracts
and   subcontracts,  in  order  to  prevent  their  unauthorized  use,
disclosure  of technical data, and unauthorized subsequent transfer of
protected  items,  including technical data, or unauthorized access to
them,  and  shall  ensure  a  level of protection corresponding to the
level  that  was established for them by the transferring Party and/or
transferring natural or legal persons.

                              Article 11
                      Export and Transportation

     1.  The representatives of the exporting Party shall, through its
authorized body(ies), inform the exporting Party in a timely manner of
the status of applications filed and registered by the representatives
of  the importing Party to obtain all necessary permits for the import
of  protected  items  to  the  territory  of  its  State  and/or their
transportation  therein.  The exporting Party shall make the export of
protected  items  conditional  on  the  prior procurement of the above
indicated  permits and the enforcement of relevant technology security
     2.  For  any transportation of protected items from the territory
of  the  State of the exporting Party to the territory of the State of
the  importing  Party  and  from  the  territory  of  the State of the
importing  Party  to the territory of the State of the exporting Party
or  to  another  location  approved by the exporting Party, permission
should  be  obtained  in  advance  from  the  authorized bodies of the
     3.  The  exporting  Party shall, through its authorized body(ies)
and  in  accordance with agreed procedures, inform the importing Party
well  in advance about the shipments of protected items, as well as of
the  place and time of their arrival at their destination or a transit
destination  in the territory of the State of the importing Party. The
importing  Party  shall,  including  through its authorized body(ies),
ensure  the  implementation of appropriate procedures for safeguarding
such cargo in accordance with this Agreement.
     4.  International  transportation  of  protected  items  shall be
carried  out  by  specially  chartered,  with  the  permission  of the
authorized  body(ies) of the exporting Party, vessels and/or aircraft,
which  are  under  the  jurisdiction of its State and are owned by the
State  or operated by it, and shall be coordinated in advance with the
authorized body(ies) of the importing Party.
     The  Parties  shall,  as  necessary, cooperate, including through
their  authorized  bodies, for the purposes of ensuring successful and
safe international transportation of protected items.
     5.  The  representatives of the exporting Party performing escort
functions  on  the  vessels and aircraft referred to in paragraph 4 of
this  Article  may  be  supplied  with appropriate means to counteract
unlawful   actions   with  regard  to  protected  items  during  their
transportation, subject to notification by the authorized body(ies) of
the  State  of  the exporting Party to the authorized body(ies) of the
State  of  the  importing  Party  and the consent of appropriate state
bodies  having  relevant competence in accordance with the laws of the
State  of  the  importing  Party,  respectively,  sent and acquired in
     6.  Aside  from  the  destination  seaport  and  airport  in  the
territory  of  the  State  of  the  importing  Party  agreed to by the
Parties, including through their authorized bodies, the vessels and/or
aircraft for international transportation of protected items, referred
to in paragraph 4 of this Article, shall, as necessary and upon mutual
agreement,  have access to other seaports and airports of the State of
the importing Party.
     7.   International   transportation  and  any  transportation  of
protected  items  within  the  territory of the State of the importing
Party   shall   be   carried  out  in  compliance  with  measures  for
safeguarding  technology  stipulated  in  relevant technology security
plans, in which, in particular, the time, place and procedures for the
transfer   of   the  responsibility  during  transportation  shall  be
determined. Consent by the Parties to transportation operations within
the  territories  of  their  States, received through their authorized
bodies, shall include all necessary special limitations and conditions
related  to  specific  circumstances,  as  well  as  plans  of  action
developed  for  emergency  situations compatible with the purposes and
objectives  of  this  Agreement.  The representatives of the exporting
Party  shall  escort  protected  items at all stages, for all kinds of
transportation and all transportation means, subject to the provisions
of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of this Agreement.
     8.  The  importing  Party  shall  guarantee the implementation of
appropriate  procedures  to  ensure the security of the transportation
means,  referred  to  in  paragraph  4 of this Article, while they are
within the limits of the jurisdiction of its State.

                              Article 12
        Identification of Protected Items for Customs Purposes

     1.  Customs  control  and  customs  processing of protected items
shall  be carried out in accordance with the laws of the States of the
Parties  and  this  Agreement. Consignees of the exporting Party shall
provide  the  customs  authorities of the State of the importing Party
with  inventories  of  goods delivered and cargo manifests, as well as
statements  in  written  form  by  the relevant authorized body of the
exporting  Party  that the sealed containers and other packages do not
contain  any cargo not related to joint activities and not declared as
     2.  The importing Party shall have the right to carry out customs
inspection  of  protected  items  subject  to  the  provisions of this
Agreement.  The Parties agree that under usual (normal) circumstances,
such   inspection   should  be  refrained  from,  conditional  on  the
availability  of  appropriate request from the authorized body(ies) of
the importing Party. In case there is sufficient evidence indicating a
possible   infringement  of  customs  rules  in  connection  with  the
import/export  of protected items, the importing Party shall implement
customs inspection, with the understanding that all cases and terms of
the   use   of  inspection  procedures  shall  be  subject  to  urgent
consultations and practical arrangements between the authorized bodies
of  the Parties, which shall be, respectively, carried out and reached
prior to the commencement of the inspection.
     3.  Customs  inspection  of  protected items shall be carried out
with  the  consideration for a comprehensive risk assessment aimed, on
the  one  hand,  at employing the least intrusive means and preventing
physical  intrusion  by prescribed officials of the importing Party in
the  treatment of protected items, and, on the other hand, at ensuring
that  the  participants  in  joint  activities, while importing to and
exporting  from  the  territory  of  the State of the importing Party,
observe  the  laws  of  the  State  of  the importing Party and act in
accordance with the purposes of this Agreement.
     4.  Should  there be an intention to perform a customs inspection
of   protected   items,   the  reason  for  the  inspection  shall  be
communicated  to  the authorized officials of the exporting Party, who
accompany   protected   items,  through  the  representatives  of  the
importing  Party promptly in written form prior to the commencement of
the inspection.
     5. Customs inspection of protected items shall be performed:
     a)  in  the  presence  of  authorized  officials of the exporting
     b)  in specially equipped premises, which shall adequately ensure
the  security  of protected items and which the representatives of the
exporting  Party  shall  have the right to examine prior to and during
the inspection;
     c)  by  means  of visual examination employing methods causing no
damage to the protected items;
     d)  having  regard  to  the need to preserve the integrity of the
technological packaging and the physical condition of protected items,
and  without opening any of their technological modules and capacities
specified in the technical documentation;
     e)  without  photographing  or  videotaping  protected  items and
without  using  other  means which could be used to disclose technical
and technological characteristics of protected items;
     f)  in  such  a  way  so  as  to  exclude  the  disruption of the
hermeticity  of  the technological packaging of protected items during
the  opening  of transport containers performed by the representatives
of the exporting Party;
     g) as a matter of priority and within the shortest time possible.
     6.  The Parties acknowledge that, in case any damage is caused to
protected  items  by  the  importing  Party as a result of the customs
inspection  made  in  violation  of paragraph 5 of this Article due to
willful misconduct or gross negligence, the importing Party shall take
measures  to speedily remedy the situation that has occurred and shall
compensate   the   production,   transportation  and  insurance  costs
resulting   from   such  damage,  unless  otherwise  provided  for  by
participants  in  joint  activities in contractual documents, with the
understanding  that  the  corresponding  payment  procedure  shall  be
determined  in  accordance with the laws of the State of the importing
     7. When crossing the customs border of the State of the importing
Party, technical data required for the performance of joint activities
that falls under the definition of protected items and is intended for
use  by  the  representatives  of  the exporting Party, including data
carried  in hand luggage and accompanied baggage, shall not be subject
to disclosure and copying during customs inspection.

                              Article 13
              Legal and Physical Protection of Property

     1.  Specific  agreements,  arrangements and contracts between the
participants  in  joint  activities  should  provide  for the adequate
protection  of  property used in joint activities without prejudice to
proprietary rights with regard to such property.
     2.  The importing Party shall, in accordance with the laws of its
State,  ensure  and,  as  necessary,  assist in ensuring, the adequate
protection   of   all   property  belonging  to  the  other  Party  or
participants  from  that  Party and used in joint activities when such
property is in the territory of the State of the importing Party or at
facilities under the jurisdiction and/or control of this State.
     3. Protected items, including when they are used by a participant
from  the  importing  Party  and  are  under  its management, shall be
regarded  by  the Parties as an agreed category of items which, in the
territory  of  the  State of the importing Party and at the facilities
under  the  jurisdiction and/or control of this State, are immune from
any  seizures  or  executive  action,  as well as any other compulsory
measures  prior  to  the  decision  of a court, such as the levying of
execution  or arrest, except for cases when and to the extent that the
exporting  Party,  by  way of applying the provisions of this Article,
waives  such  immunity in a particular case. The indicated category of
items  shall  not  be  used  as  mortgage or other security during the
examination  and  investigation  of  an activity by a participant from
either   Party   in   connection  with  any  established  or  presumed
infringements   during   the   implementation  of  such  activity.  No
compulsory  measures,  such  as  the  levying  of  execution,  arrest,
requisition  or  confiscation,  may  thus  be taken in relation to the
protected  items  by  virtue  of  a  decision  by the executive and/or
legislative  bodies  of  the  State  of  the  importing  Party  or  in
connection with proceedings in a court of this State.
     4.  The  importing  Party shall take all necessary legal measures
within  the  licensing  procedures  in force in its State, so that the
protected  items  used  and  managed  by  its  participants  with  the
permission  of the exporting Party and on the basis of agreements with
consignees  of  the  exporting  Party  be  guaranteed against selling,
leasing  or  subleasing,  mortgaging,  alienating  or transferring for
fiduciary management to other natural or legal persons in violation of
conditions  under  which  they have been exported. In case of disputes
regarding  contractual  obligations  between  participants  from  both
Parties, protected items may not serve as security for any obligations
or be otherwise encumbered.
     5.  Should  a  legal event and/or fact occur that served or could
serve  as  a  ground  for  a  claim or lawsuit affecting the protected
items,  the  Parties  shall,  through  their authorized bodies and, as
necessary,  through  diplomatic  channels,  hold consultations without
delay  aimed  at  taking all necessary legal and practical measures to
defend against such claims or lawsuits.
     6.  The  provisions  of  this  Article  shall not be construed as
affecting  the  implementation of appropriate administrative functions
in  relation  to the protected items in connection with their movement
and  use  within  the territory of the State of the importing Party in
accordance with procedures compatible with this Agreement.
     7.  While  ensuring observance of the principle of jurisdictional
immunity  in  accordance with this Article, the Parties shall, through
their  authorized  bodies or the authorized officials of the exporting
Party/importing Party, considering specific circumstances and the time
available,  promptly  consult  on  the  coordinated  implementation of
procedures  and practices that would effectively meet the requirements
of  precluding  any acts that could make protected items vulnerable to
any  transfer  or  use, which has not been authorized by the exporting
Party,  or any mistreatment thereof prejudicing this Agreement, in the
course  of implementing executive orders in the territory of the State
of  the  importing  Party,  entailing,  in  particular, administrative
moratoria on the movement or use of protected items should a motivated
decision be adopted in relation to:
     a)  suspension  of customs processing and clearance of particular
protected  items  when  there  are  an  event and formal elements of a
customs infraction;
     b) imposition of limitations on the movement and use of protected
items  within  the  territory of the State of the importing Party when
their  secure  handling  in  conformity  with  this Agreement might be
prejudiced  in  case of a threat to security, public order, human life
and health or the natural environment;
     c) imposition of limitations on the use of protected items in the
context  of  adopting  specific decisions on the deployment and use of
any  resources  and  services  provided  within the framework of joint
     d)  conduct  of investigative or procedural actions in connection
with unlawful actions involving protected items;
     e) application of similar conditions, limitations or moratoria.
     8.  In  case  of theft or any other unlawful seizure of protected
items,  or  a  real  threat of such actions, the importing Party shall
ensure  maximum cooperation, rendering assistance for their protection
and  return,  and shall take measures to restore, without delay and in
full   measure,   effective   control  over  protected  items  by  the
representatives of the exporting Party.
     The  Parties  agree  that  during  the conduct of law enforcement
actions and the operational implementation of appropriate orders under
the  laws  of  the States of the Parties, including criminal statutes,
with  the  purpose of identifying and collecting evidence ascertaining
the  fact  of  an  offence  with  respect to protected items, bringing
forward charges against the alleged perpetrator of a criminal offence,
as  well  as establishing criminal damage, law enforcement authorities
shall  ensure  the placing on an interim basis of protected items in a
restricted  access  area  with  the  permanent escort and control with
respect  to  protected  items  by the representatives of the exporting
Party.  Such  secure  treatment of protected items shall not be in any
substantive  way  restrictive  with  regard  to  the  authority of the
representatives  of  the  exporting  Party to effectuate the necessary
safeguarding  measures of on-going control, monitoring, inspection and
regulation of the handling of protected items during the time they are
securely stored.

                              Article 14
          Emergency During Transportation, Storage or Launch

     1.  In  case  of  emergency during the transportation, storage or
launch  of  protected  items  within  the jurisdiction of the State of
either  Party,  the  Parties  shall  make  all  necessary  efforts  to
cooperate  in  determining  appropriate and joint measures, as well as
agreed  technical  methods  to  perform emergency or search-and-rescue
operations  for the purposes of the search for and recovery of any and
all  components  and/or  debris of protected items and in reaching all
necessary  arrangements  of  a  practical nature on the procedures and
conditions for performing such operations.
     2.  The  Parties  shall ensure that cooperation to facilitate the
search  for,  identification  and collection of any and all components
and/or  debris of protected items from all accident sites be performed
with full participation of the representatives of the exporting Party.
     3.  The importing Party shall permit the evacuation of components
and/or   debris  of  protected  items  which  are  identified  by  the
representatives  of the exporting Party, under the constant management
and  supervision  of  and  escort by these representatives. Evacuation
shall  be  carried  out  without  any  study  and/or  photographing or
videotaping  and  without the use of other means which may be employed
to   reveal   the  technical  and  technological  characteristics  and
parameters  of  protected  items,  with  the  understanding  that  the
procedures  of  evacuation  shall be carried out by representatives of
the exporting Party.
     4.  The  Parties agree that a timely and effective performance of
emergency   or   search-and-rescue  operations  for  the  purposes  of
searching  for and recovery of any and all components and/or debris of
protected items shall be ensured by practices that involve:
     a)  the employment of methods, types of activities, equipment and
procedures   for   the   conduct  of  emergency  or  search-and-rescue
operations,  agreed  on  a mutual basis by the authorized officials of
the exporting Party/importing Party;
     b) the maintenance between the authorized Russian representatives
and  Korean  representatives  of  permanent  liaison  and  cooperative
relations  when  resolving  all  issues  related  to  the planning and
conduct of emergency or search-and-rescue operations;
     с)  the  provision  of  conditions  for permanent monitoring on a
mutual   basis   by   the   Russian  representatives  and  the  Korean
representatives   of   the  procedures  for  conducting  emergency  or
search-and-rescue operations.
     5.  Considering  the  provisions  of paragraph 4 of this Article,
during  the  conduct  of  emergency or search-and-rescue operations to
search  for  and  recover  any  and  all  components  and/or debris of
protected items, the Parties shall make maximum efforts to observe the
following conditions:
     a)  the representatives of the importing Party during the conduct
of  emergency  or search-and-rescue operations shall not photograph or
videotape  any  components  and/or  debris  of  protected items of the
exporting Party and shall not employ other means, which may be used to
reveal  technical  and technological characteristics and parameters of
protected items;
     b)  all information related to protected items shall be ab initio
considered as confidential in its nature;
     c)  the  representatives  of  the  exporting  Party shall conduct
identification  of  specific  components  and/or  debris  of protected
items,  and shall inform the representatives of the importing Party of
the  results; identification results shall serve as the basis on which
such components and/or debris shall be treated as protected items;
     d)  the representatives of the exporting Party, upon consultation
with the representatives of the importing Party, shall perform initial
treatment,  accounting  and  systematization  of  the  discovered  and
identified components and/or debris of protected items and archive the
collected information related to them.
     6.  In  case  there are grounds to expect that the search for and
collection of components and/or debris of protected items shall affect
the  interests  of  any  other  state,  the  Parties shall jointly and
expeditiously  consult with the government of that state regarding the
issues  of  coordination  of  procedures  for  conducting emergency or
search-and-rescue  operations,  without  prejudice  to  the rights and
obligations  of all interested states in accordance with international
law,  including  those  arising  out of the Agreement on the Rescue of
Astronauts,  the  Return  of  Astronauts  and  the  Return  of Objects
Launched into Outer Space of 22 April 1968.
     7. The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of
the  Republic  of Korea shall authorize the Russian consignees and the
Korean  consignees,  respectively,  to provide, in accordance with the
laws of their States, information necessary to determine the causes of
an accident or launch failure.

                              Article 15
        Cooperation in Carrying out Measures Prescribed by Law

     1.  To  carry  out  measures  prescribed by law at facilities, in
premises  and  on  transportation  vehicles or in their separate zones
where  protected  items  are  located,  the  Parties,  with  a view to
safeguarding   protected   items,  shall  apply  on  an  agreed  basis
procedures  for  a  managed  access  to  sites where such measures are
carried  out,  duly  taking  into  account  the duties of all of their
participants.  Such  access shall be provided subject to the following
     a)  the measures prescribed by law shall be performed exclusively
by  prescribed  officials, in compliance with the requirements of this
     b)  prescribed  officials  shall  exercise the right to visit the
places  where  measures  prescribed by law shall be carried out in the
presence of authorized officials of the exporting Party;
     c)  the  importing  Party  shall  ensure  that  in planning their
activities the prescribed officials:
     (i) take into account as priority factors all aspects relating to
safeguarding  protected  items  and  act  with  due  consideration for
constraints  and  requirements  set  by  the  representatives  of  the
exporting Party in respect of the access to protected items;
     (ii)  carry  out  the  measures  prescribed  by  law so as not to
interfere  in  the  regulation  of  the handling of protected items or
endanger  the  abilities of the representatives of the exporting Party
to  effectively  and  fully  perform  their  functions  in  respect of
protected items;
     (iii)  reduce  to the minimum and, where possible, preclude fully
interference  with  and  inconveniences  to  the  current  and planned
operations  with  protected  items performed by the representatives of
the exporting Party in the framework of joint activities;
     (iv)  employ for the purposes of carrying out measures prescribed
by  law  methods,  technical  means and procedures, agreed upon by the
authorized   officials   of  the  exporting  Party  considering  their
compatibility with the purposes of this Agreement.
     2.  The  exporting  Party  shall  ensure that its representatives
assist  in  the  expeditious performance of the measures prescribed by
law and the achievement of their objectives.
     3.  Considering  the  provisions  of  paragraphs  1 and 2 of this
Article,  any  visit to the place where measures prescribed by law are
being carried out shall be preceded by the following actions:
     a)  official  submission  of  a request to visit the place of the
measures prescribed by law;
     b) achievement and fulfillment of all necessary arrangements with
authorized  officials  of  the exporting Party regarding the procedure
for  carrying  out measures prescribed by law, including photographing
and  videotaping,  with  particular  attention  to  specific sensitive
issues, associated with protected items;
     c)  adoption by the representatives of the exporting Party of the
necessary  practical  measures  aimed  at ensuring the safeguarding of
protected items for the duration of the measures prescribed by law.

                              Article 16
             Protection of Restricted Use Information and
                       Confidential Information

     1.  The participants in joint activities shall determine the list
of  technical  data  related  to  protected items which they intend to
exchange.  Such  list  shall  be subject to approval by the authorized
bodies of the Parties.
     2.  Nothing  in this Agreement shall be considered as imposing an
obligation on either Party to provide information under this Agreement
or  as  a  ground for any other transmission of information within the
framework   of   joint  activities  as  a  whole,  if  its  disclosure
contravenes the security interests of its State.
     3. Without prejudice to paragraph 4 of Article 8 of the Agreement
on  Cooperation  of  21  September  2004, if the provision of specific
information  classified in the State of either Party as a state secret
is  accepted  by  this  Party  as  necessary in specific cases for the
purposes  of  implementing  this  Agreement,  the  procedure  for  the
transmission  and  treatment of such information shall be regulated by
the laws of the States of the Parties on the basis and under the terms
and  conditions of a separate agreement between the Parties in written
     4.   The   Parties   shall   provide  appropriate  protection  of
information,   transmitted   or  generated  in  the  course  of  joint
activities under this Agreement and in implementation of the Agreement
on  Cooperation  of 21 September 2004, the access to and dissemination
of  which  is  restricted according to the laws of the State of either
Party  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  "Restricted  use information").
Restricted  use  information  shall  not  fall  under  the category of
information classified as a state secret.
     The  treatment of the restricted use information shall be carried
out  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of the State of the Party and of
participants  in  joint activities which receive the information. Such
information  shall  not  be  disclosed  or  transmitted  to  any third
party/third  person with respect to this Agreement without the consent
in  written  form  of  the  Party and participants in joint activities
which provide the information.
     Restricted  use  information  shall  be duly marked as such. This
information  media  shall  be  provided  with  a  mark: in the Russian
Federation  -  "For  Official Use"/"Dlya Sluzhebnogo Polzovaniya" mark
and in the Republic of Korea - "For Official Use Only"/"Dae Wae Bo An"
mark.  Responsibility  for  such marking shall rest with the Party and
participants  in  joint  activities, the information of which requires
such marking. The participants in joint activities shall determine the
procedure  for  the  transmission and treatment of such information on
the  basis  and under the terms and conditions of a separate agreement
in written form.
     5.  The  Parties  shall  take  all  necessary  measures  for  the
protection  of the confidentiality of all correspondence that contains
restricted  use  information and confidential information provided for
in  section  III  of  the  Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation of 21
September  2004 which are transmitted as part of the implementation of
this Agreement.
     6. Each Party shall reduce to a minimum the number of persons who
have access to restricted use information and confidential information
that  is transmitted by the other Party for the implementation of this
Agreement  and  the  Agreement  on  Cooperation  of 21 September 2004,
limiting  the  circle  of  such  informed  persons  to  the  staff and
specialists  who  are  in the service of the State and are citizens of
its  State,  whose  access  to  such  information is necessary for the
performance  of  their  official duties in fulfillment of the purposes
stipulated   by  the  Parties  during  the  transmission.  Should  the
receiving  Party wish to provide access to the said information to any
third  party/third person, the receiving Party may only do so with the
agreement in written form of the transmitting Party.
     Each  Party  shall oblige its participants in joint activities to
reduce  to  a  minimum  the  number  of  persons  who  have  access to
restricted  use  information  and  confidential  information  that  is
transmitted between the participants in joint activities in the course
of   the  implementation  of  this  Agreement  and  the  Agreement  on
Cooperation of 21 September 2004, limiting the circle of such informed
persons  to  the  staff and specialists who are citizens of its State,
whose  access  to such information is necessary for the performance of
their  official  duties  in  implementation  of this Agreement and the
Agreement  on  Cooperation  of 21 September 2004. Should the receiving
participants  in  joint  activities wish to provide access to the said
information   to   any   third   party/third   person,  the  receiving
participants  in joint activities may only do so with the agreement in
written form of the transmitting participants in joint activities.
     For  the  purposes of this paragraph the authorized bodies of the
Parties shall not be considered as third party/third persons.
     7.  The Parties shall oblige the participants in joint activities
to maintain a regime for the provision of an effective protection from
disclosure   of   any  restricted  use  information  and  confidential
information  associated  with protected items that may become known to
them in the course of conducting joint activities.

                              Article 17
             Certification of Equipment and Technologies

     1.  The  Parties shall, within their competence and in accordance
with  the  laws  of  their  States,  take measures with the purpose of
reducing  existing  differences  in  the fields of standardization and
certification  of  space  equipment  and  technologies  by  means that
encourage  the  use  in  these  fields  of agreed instruments. In this
connection,  the  Parties  shall,  through  their  authorized  bodies,
encourage cooperation with the purpose of simplifying, where expedient
and  possible,  administrative  authorization  procedures  in force in
their  States  and  facilitating negotiations on mutual recognition in
the field of conformity examination.
     2.  Each  Party  shall,  on  a  reciprocal  basis,  encourage the
participation  of organizations, enterprises and firms, related to the
other  Party,  in  tenders  for industrial production organized in its
State  in  connection  with carrying out activities in the exploration
and  use of outer space and the application of space technologies. The
Parties shall cooperate to create conditions for awarding contracts on
an   open   and  competitive  basis  within  the  framework  of  State
procurement procedures.

                              Article 18
                        Settlement of Disputes

     1. Any dispute regarding the interpretation and implementation of
this Agreement shall be considered and resolved in accordance with the
procedures stipulated in Article 14 of the Agreement on Cooperation of
21 September 2004.
     2.  Should  any  procedures  referred  to  in paragraph 1 of this
Article   require  the  use  of  information  and/or  data  which  has
limitations  on  its  handling, the Parties shall provide for a closed
examination of the dispute.

                              Article 19
                           Final Provisions

     1.  This  Agreement  shall  enter  into  force on the date of the
receipt  of  the  last notification in written form through diplomatic
channels  on  the  completion  by  the  Parties of domestic procedures
necessary  for  its  entry  into  force  and shall be of an indefinite
     2.  This  Agreement  may  be  amended by an agreement between the
Parties  in  written  form.  Amendments  shall  enter  into  force  in
accordance  with  the  procedure  established  by  paragraph 1 of this
     3. Where necessary, the particularities of the application of the
provisions  of  this  Agreement  may be determined by the Parties with
respect  to  specific programmes and projects by means of Protocols to
this Agreement.
     4.  If  either  Party wishes to terminate this Agreement it shall
notify the other Party in written form through diplomatic channels and
in  such  case  this  Agreement shall be terminated one year after the
date  of  receipt of such notification by the other Party. During this
one-year  period the Parties shall hold consultations and shall at the
request  of  either Party define practical measures in connection with
the termination of this Agreement.
     5.  The  termination  of  this  Agreement  shall  not  affect the
fulfillment  in  full of arrangements not completed by the time of its
termination, including the due resolution of all contractual relations
in  connection  with  joint activities. The obligations of the Parties
and  the  participants in joint activities set forth in this Agreement
concerning  security,  use  and  treatment  of  all  protected  items,
including information and technical data transmitted on legal grounds,
and  the return of all protected items, their components and/or debris
in  case of failed launch, incident or accident, apart from those that
continue  to  be  used  or  have been utilized on the territory of the
State  of  the  importing  Party on legal grounds, to the State of the
exporting  Party  or  to  another  location  approved by the exporting
Party,  shall  continue  to  apply in full measure and in all respects
after  the  termination of this Agreement for the duration of a period
of  time either specified during the transfer of protected items or as
part  of  defining  practical  measures provided for in paragraph 4 of
this Article.
     In  witness  whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

     Done  at  Seoul  on  17  October  2006  in duplicate, each in the
Russian,  Korean  and  English  languages,  all  texts  being  equally
authentic.  In  case  of  any  divergence  of  interpretation  of  the
provisions  of  this Agreement, the text in the English language shall
be used.

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