Страницы: 1 2 в соответствии с положениями Бернской конвенции об охране литературных и художественных произведений (Парижский акт 1971 года). IV. Публикации научного характера 1. Участники обеспечивают по возможности самое широкое распространение публикаций научного характера, являющихся результатом совместного исследования в соответствии с настоящим Соглашением. 2. В случае если в планах распоряжения технологией не согласовано иное, публикация результатов совместного исследования осуществляется совместно участниками этого совместного исследования. С соблюдением указанного выше общего правила применяются следующие процедуры: - в случае опубликования участником научно-технических сборников, статей, отчетов, книг, а также выпуска аудио- или видеопроизведений и программного обеспечения, являющихся результатом совместного исследования в соответствии с настоящим Соглашением, другой участник получает в объемах, оговоренных в планах распоряжения технологией, право на неисключительную, безотзывную и безвозмездную лицензию на перевод, воспроизведение, переработку, передачу и публичное распространение таких работ во всех странах; - на всех экземплярах работ, охраняемых авторским правом, которые подлежат публичному распространению в соответствии с настоящим пунктом, указывается фамилия автора работы, если только такой автор определенно не откажется быть названным. Такие экземпляры также содержат ясное указание на соответствующие вклады участников, которые привлекались к работе над публикацией. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY ON COOPERATION AND PARTNERSHIP IN THE EXPLORATION AND USE OF OUTER SPACE FOR PEACEFUL PURPOSES (Paris, 11.II.2003) The Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency, an international intergovernmental organisation set up by the Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agency which was opened for signature in Paris on 30 May 1975 and entered into force on 30 October 1980, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, expressing satisfaction at the results of joint activities achieved within the framework of the Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the European Space Agency concerning Cooperation in the Field of the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes signed in Paris on 25 April 1990, as extended by an exchange of Notes Verbales dated 25 April 2000, desiring jointly to continue and expand long-term cooperation with a view to fostering partnership in the exploration and use of outer space and the application of space technologies for peaceful purposes, recognising the practical importance and potential mutual benefits of a renewed and focused international space cooperation based on industrial cooperation and business partnership, considering the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency concerning Customs Clearance and Duty Free Import and Export of Goods within the Framework of Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space signed in Moscow on 18 November 1997, and which entered into force on 10 February 1999, having regard to the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency on the Establishment of the Permanent Mission of the European Space Agency, and its Status, in the Russian Federation signed in Moscow on 10 April 1995, and to the Protocol thereto signed in Moscow on 29 July 1996, both of which entered into force on 30 January 1997, considering the provisions of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies, of 27 January 1967, and of other multilateral treaties and agreements on the exploration and use of outer space, to which the Russian Federation and the Member States of the European Space Agency are parties, and which the European Space Agency has accepted, having regard to the Agreement among the Government of Canada, Governments of Member States of the European Space Agency, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America concerning Cooperation on the Civil International Space Station, signed in Washington D.C. on 29 January 1998, having regard to the Convention establishing the European Space Agency, and in particular to Article XIV thereof, and to the Resolution on directions for the Agency`s evolution and policy: "Space serving European citizens", adopted in Edinburgh on 15 November 2001 by the Council of the European Space Agency held at ministerial level, and in particular to Chapter III, paragraph 5 thereof, have agreed as follows: Article 1 Purpose and Principles 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish appropriate legal and organisational foundations for the continuation and comprehensive development of long-term, mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership in joint activities involving the use of outer space and the application of space systems and technologies for peaceful purposes, in particular, by: - encouraging and developing scientific cooperation and joint scientific and technology research and development activities; - promoting a broad and mutually beneficial exchange of scientific and technical information, expertise, equipment and material resource; - fostering and implementing cooperative ventures and initiatives of mutual interest for science and technology, industrial and investment activities, including the demonstration of their feasibility through pilot projects; - implementing effective consultation mechanisms and joint decision-making processes. 2. Cooperation within the framework of this Agreement shall be carried out on the basis of the principles of mutual benefit and balanced scientific, technological and other returns for the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency, considering the contributions of the Parties and those of the corresponding participants in joint activity, as defined in the Annex to this Agreement. 3. Within the framework of this Agreement, cooperation shall be implemented subject to the relevant norms and regulations applicable to each Party, in accordance with the generally recognised norms and principles of international law and without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Parties stemming from other international agreements which have been concluded with third parties. 4. This Agreement defines the rights and obligations of the Parties with respect to the jointly agreed activities irrespective of the location or territory where they are carried out. Article 2 Areas and Forms of Cooperation 1. In pursuance of this Agreement the Parties may cooperate in particular in the following areas: - fundamental and applied space research, including solar-terrestrial physics, radio astronomy, high energy astrophysics and solar and planetary studies; - microgravity research, materials processing in space, fluid physics, space medicine and biology; - remote sensing of the Earth for environmental monitoring, meteorology, geodesy and cartography; - space telecommunications, satellite navigation and positioning; - human space flight, including automatic or manned space vehicles and systems, orbital elements and related hardware, crew training, and associated ground infrastructure; - preparation for human planetary exploration; - launchers and other space transportation systems and the associated ground infrastructure, including launch services; - protection of the space environment, including monitoring and mitigation of space debris; - spin-offs derived from space systems and technologies; - development of services derived from space research and applications. Cooperation in the areas listed above may include in particular studies, preliminary design, pre-development and development work, manufacturing, exchange of equipment and data, related information technologies, operational and utilisation activities, and shall apply both to space systems and ground infrastructure. 2. Cooperation in the areas listed in paragraph 1 of this Article may comprise in particular: - organising training programmes and consultancies; - promoting the exchange of personnel engaged in cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement; - holding symposia, exhibitions, and similar events; - providing technical assistance under conditions to be mutually agreed on a case by case basis; - using the scientific, experimental and industrial resources and capabilities of the Russian Federation, of the one part, and of the European Space Agency and its Member States, of the other part, on an appropriate institutional basis; - providing mutual support for access to national and international space programmes and projects of common interest; - increasing the level of involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises in cooperative ventures; - enhancing the managerial, financial and legal interfaces with a view to providing a suitable framework for the cooperative activities. 3. The Parties shall meet as necessary, and at least every two years, to review the implementation and the development of the cooperation and partnership covered by this Agreement. 4. Additional areas and forms of cooperation to be pursued under this Agreement may be identified by the Parties and may be the subject of specific agreements or arrangements to be reached in accordance with the norms, regulations and procedures of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency. Article 3 Implementation 1. The Government of the Russian Federation designates the Russian Aviation and Space Agency as the competent organisation having authority to represent it in its relations with the European Space Agency for the purposes of coordinating and conducting the cooperation and partnership covered by this Agreement. The Government of the Russian Federation may designate another competent organisation, and shall duly notify the European Space Agency through diplomatic channels accordingly. 2. By written agreement, the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, may, as appropriate, designate other entities (institutions, enterprises, institutes, centres and firms) which are subjects of public or private law of the Russian Federation and of the Member States of the European Space Agency, respectively, for the purpose of carrying out specific cooperative activities, as provided for in Article 2 of this Agreement, pursuant to the terms of agreements, arrangements and contracts to be concluded in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article. 3. Without prejudice to the additional agreements which may be concluded directly between the Parties, the implementation of cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement shall, upon approval by, and in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures of each Party, on the understanding that the Government of the Russian Federation acts as appropriate through its competent organisation, be the subject of: - specific bilateral or multilateral agreements, arrangements and contracts among the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation, the European Space Agency and the other entities provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article. Such specific agreements, arrangements and contracts may address joint supervision and management functions, and shall be compliant with the provisions of this Agreement; - direct contracts between the other entities provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article, which shall be compliant with the provisions of this Agreement. 4. The Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, shall define appropriate procedures for informing each other of the expenditure planned and incurred, and of the funding for the execution of activities and contracts which involve self-financing of industry, including, where appropriate, cost verification by or on behalf of the Parties. 5. The Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, may decide jointly to provide for working groups or other mechanisms as required for the purpose of implementing or monitoring cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, and may jointly agree on additional rates, principles, methods or means of their implementation in conformity with this Agreement. 6. For the purpose of developing and diversifying cooperation and optimising its organisational forms, the Parties, on the understanding that the Government of the Russian Federation shall act as appropriate through its competent organisation, may jointly organise and convene conferences, symposia and other appropriate forums involving the participation of the research, business, industrial and financial communities of the Russian Federation and of the Member States of the European Space Agency. 7. For the purpose of facilitating and broadening mutually beneficial cooperation, the European Space Agency has established a Permanent Mission in the Russian Federation, whose status and conditions are defined in the Agreement and related Protocol concluded with the Government of the Russian Federation, and referred to in the preamble to this Agreement. The European Space Agency acknowledges the strong interest and benefit, for the purpose of facilitating and broadening mutually beneficial cooperation, in the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation reciprocally maintaining a representation to cooperate with the European Space Agency. The European Space Agency shall assist the Government of the Russian Federation, should it take the corresponding decision, in obtaining from the competent authorities of its Member States and to the benefit of such representation, status and conditions similar to those enjoyed by the Permanent Mission of the European Space Agency in the Russian Federation. 8. For the purpose of increasing and broadening mutually beneficial industrial cooperation and partnership, each Party shall, on a reciprocal basis, foster participation by the other Party`s related industrial entities in industrial tenders organised in connection with the implementation of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement. Article 4 Funding 1. Cooperation as described in Article 2, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Agreement shall be carried out by the Parties subject to their approved budgets, in accordance with their respective funding procedures and legislation, and subject to the availability of funds allocated for the purposes of this cooperation and shall not constitute any legal basis for providing additional budgetary allocations for any of the Parties. 2. Should funding difficulties in discharging respective responsibilities in the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement be encountered or foreseen either by the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, or the European Space Agency, of the other part, appropriate notification shall be made without delay either to the other Party or at the level of the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency. In such event, the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, shall envisage taking the most appropriate measures to safeguard their joint interests in the cooperation. 3. The financial principles, norms and procedures related to the conduct of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement shall be defined in the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts provided for in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement, noting that, the legitimate commercial interests of all participants in the said legal documents being taken into account, the European Space Agency denominates its industrial contracts in the euro currency. The participants in the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement shall bear the costs of discharging their respective responsibilities as defined in the aforementioned specific agreements, arrangements and contracts. 4. Cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement may give rise to payments, reimbursement of expenses, mutual exchanges of goods and services or other combined forms of payment for the purposes of adequate compensation, as appropriate and jointly agreed between the Parties, the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency, their designated entities, contractors and subcontractors, as the case may be, in the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement. 5. The Parties, on the understanding that the Government of the Russian Federation shall as appropriate act through its competent organisation or through other channels and mechanisms, shall advise each other, as appropriate under their respective procedures and legislation, on financial aspects and banking conditions for the purposes of implementing the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement. Article 5 Intellectual Property 1. The Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, may, in the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement, define the norms and principles to be observed with regard to intellectual property in the framework of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement. In the absence of such norms and principles in the said agreements, arrangements and contracts, the protection and the allocation of rights to intellectual property shall be in accordance with the Annex to this Agreement. 2. Subject to paragraph 1 of this Article, the Parties, the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation, and the other entities designated in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement shall, on a mutual basis, ensure expeditious access to the results jointly obtained through the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement. 3. For the purpose of this Agreement, "intellectual property" shall have the meaning stated in Article 2 of the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation, done in Stockholm on 14 July 1967. Article 6 Information and Data 1. The Parties shall inform and, as necessary, consult each other concerning their plans for activities, programmes and projects in the field of the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. 2. For the purpose of this Agreement, "information and data" shall mean knowledge, which is not or cannot be protected by a legal title of intellectual property, in particular technical data or technical assistance such as blueprints, plans, diagrams, models, formulae, tables, engineering designs and specifications, manuals, instructions, skills, training, working knowledge or consulting services, irrespective of their form or support. This knowledge may belong to a natural or legal person and may be protected as trade secret and know-how, without prejudice to paragraph 5 of this Article. 3. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Parties, and the participants as defined in the Annex to this Agreement, shall exchange the information and data required for the carrying out of their responsibilities under this Agreement. 4. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Parties, and the participants as defined in the Annex to this Agreement shall, on a mutual basis, ensure expeditious access to the information and data jointly obtained through the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement. 5. The Parties, and the participants as defined in the Annex to this Agreement, shall not disclose and retransfer any information and data received from the other Party and/or the participants, except with the prior written consent of the furnishing Party and/or the participants. The receiving Party and/or the participants shall use such information and data within the limits provided for by the furnishing Party and/or the participants. The Parties and/or the participants shall only transfer such information and data on which they have acquired the necessary rights and the related authority to transfer such information and data. 6. Should the Parties find it necessary for the purpose of implementing this Agreement to exchange classified information and data for which appropriate handling is defined in accordance with the norms and regulations which are applicable to each of them, the Parties shall, within their respective institutional framework, conclude a separate written agreement for that purpose. Article 7 Business-confidential Information 1. The specific agreements, arrangements and contracts which may be concluded in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement, shall provide for the protection of business-confidential information as specified in the identified agreements, arrangements and contracts, and for the conditions under which such business-confidential information may be transferred to the employees of the Parties or of the participants as defined in the Annex to this Agreement, or to any third party with respect to such agreements, arrangements and contracts, including contractors and sub-contractors. In the said specific agreements, arrangements and contracts, the Parties and the participants shall provide for the adoption of all necessary measures in relation to their employees, contractors and sub-contractors for the observance of the obligations on protecting such business-confidential information. 2. Business-confidential information shall be designated as such in an appropriate manner at the earliest possible moment and preferably in the Technology Management Plan, as referred to in the Annex to this Agreement. The responsibility for such a designation shall rest with the Party or participant, as defined in the Annex to this Agreement, requiring such confidentiality. Each Party or participant shall protect such business-confidential information in accordance with the norms and regulations applicable to each Party or participant and at least at the same level it protects its own business-confidential information. "Business-confidential information" shall mean any know-how, information and data, in particular technical, commercial or financial, irrespective of the form and support by means of which it is transferred for the purpose of carrying out joint activity, as defined in the Annex to this Agreement and which meet the following conditions: - the possession of this information may provide a competitive economic, scientific or technical advantage over natural or legal persons who do not possess it; - this information is not generally known or widely available from other sources; - this information was not earlier transferred by its possessor to a third natural or legal person without the obligation to maintain its confidentiality; - this information is not already at the disposal of the recipient without the obligation to maintain its confidentiality. Article 8 Export-controlled or Proprietary Equipment, Information and Data 1. In the event a Party, or a participant as defined in the Annex to this Agreement, finds it necessary to exchange equipment, information and data that are either export-controlled or proprietary, and for which protection is desired, the furnishing Party or the participant shall mark such equipment, data and information with a notice indicating that they will be used by the receiving Party or the participant for the sole purpose of fulfilling their responsibilities under this Agreement, or the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement. The notice shall provide that the equipment, information and data shall not be re-transferred and/or disclosed without the prior written consent of the furnishing Party or the participant. There is no obligation on the receiving Party or the participant to protect from re-transfers unmarked equipment, information and data. 2. The Parties, or the participants as defined in the Annex to this Agreement, shall take all necessary measures to ensure that all natural and legal persons under their jurisdiction or otherwise related to them, handle the equipment, information and data transferred under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions and conditions stipulated in the notices and markings. The natural and legal persons that have access to this equipment, information and data on a legitimate basis shall take all necessary measures, including by incorporation of appropriate stipulations in contracts and sub-contracts, in order to prevent any unauthorised use, disclosure or subsequent transfer of, or access to, marked equipment, information and data, and shall ensure that the exchanged equipment, information and data enjoy a level of protection equivalent to the level required by the transferring Party or the participant. Article 9 Export control The transfer between the Parties, or the participants as defined in the Annex to this Agreement, of equipment, information and data and other items for the purpose of carrying out their responsibilities in all areas and forms of cooperation as defined in Article 2 of this Agreement, including manufacturing processes and intellectual property, shall be performed in accordance with the export control laws and regulations applicable in the Russian Federation and in the Member States of the European Space Agency, respectively. Article 10 Technology Safeguards For the purpose of implementing specific cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, shall, as appropriate, conclude, or assist each other in the conclusion of, technology safeguards agreements with the relevant competent authorities with a view to providing the detailed conditions for: - the prevention of any unauthorised access to protected export items and related technologies, and any unauthorised transfer thereof; - the implementation by representatives and personnel skilled in the handling of these protected items of appropriate functions to effectively protect and control them; - the development and implementation of specific technology safeguards plans. Article 11 Protection of Property 1. The specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement shall provide for the adequate protection of property used in the corresponding cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, without prejudice to the rights of ownership over such property. 2. The Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Russian Federation, shall ensure and, as appropriate, assist in the provision of, adequate protection of all property belonging to the European Space Agency, or the entities it may designate in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement, and used in the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, when such property is in the territory of the Russian Federation or at facilities under the jurisdiction and/or control of the Russian Federation. The European Space Agency, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention which established it and through the means it provides, shall ensure and, as appropriate, assist in the provision of adequate protection of all property belonging to the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, and to the entities they may designate in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement, and used in the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, when such property is in the territories of the Member States of the European Space Agency, or at facilities under the jurisdiction and/or control of the European Space Agency or of its Member States. Article 12 Assistance to Personnel The Parties shall, in accordance with legal norms and administrative procedures applicable to each of them, on a mutual basis, render assistance to the personnel engaged in the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, with a view to facilitating the entry and stay of such personnel in terms of expeditious processing of the corresponding visas. Article 13 Customs Clearance 1. The movement of goods for the purposes of cooperation within the framework and under the conditions of this Agreement, across the customs border of the Russian Federation and the customs borders of the Member States of the European Space Agency shall be conducted in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency concerning Customs Clearance and Duty Free Import and Export of Goods within the Framework of Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space of 18 November 1997, without prejudice to the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency on the Establishment of the Permanent Mission of the European Space Agency, and its Status, in the Russian Federation of 10 April 1995. 2. The movement of goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation and across the customs borders of the Member States of the European Space Agency, for the purposes of implementing the joint projects carried out under the framework of the Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the European Space Agency concerning Cooperation in the Field of the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes of 25 April 1990, shall continue to be conducted in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency concerning Customs Clearance and Duty Free Import and Export of Goods within the Framework of Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space of 18 November 1997. 3. For the purpose of effective implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall assist each other in the expeditious customs clearance of goods which are moved for the purposes of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, having recourse to priority treatment if necessary within the framework of rules and procedures for clearance applicable to each of the Parties, and shall appoint to this effect responsible representatives, respectively in the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation and in the European Space Agency. 4. At the request of a Party, of the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation, or of the entities designated in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement, the customs control and customs clearance of goods which are subject to export control laws and regulations and require special technology protection measures shall be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the procedures for the prevention of disclosure of sensitive information. Article 14 Liability 1. With a view to facilitating the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, the Parties deem it appropriate to apply, between themselves, and between the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, on a reciprocal basis, the principle of cross-waiver of liability for unintentional damage caused to their respective personnel, personnel engaged in, or property used in the aforesaid cooperative activities, programmes and projects, in accordance with the provisions of this Article. 2. The Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, may, under specific agreements and arrangements, limit the scope or otherwise alter the norms and conditions of application of the cross-waiver of liability stipulated in this Article, as may be required by the specific nature of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement. They may in particular agree on additional or alternative principles for the apportionment of liability and indemnity for damage in relation to the specific cooperative activities, programmes and projects. 3. In accordance with the principle stipulated in paragraph 1 of this Article, the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, shall not make any claims with respect to each other for injury or death of persons from among their own personnel, or of persons from among the personnel engaged in the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, or any claims with respect to damage of any kind to, and also to loss of, their own or their contractors` or sub-contractors` property, except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence. 4. The cross-waiver of liability defined in this Article shall apply only if the natural person or property causing the damage is involved in the specific cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement and carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, and if the natural person or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in such cooperative activities, programmes and projects. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Article, this cross-waiver shall not apply to: - intellectual property claims; - claims that may arise in the relations between a Party and its own entities designated in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement, including in the relations between the Government of the Russian Federation and its competent organisation; - claims that may arise in the relations between the entities designated by a Party in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement, including claims that may arise in the relations between the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the entities designated by it or by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement; - claims in connection with compensation for bodily injury or any other impairment of the health of a natural person, or for such a person`s death, that are brought, respectively, by that person, or by any legally eligible person; - claims for damage caused by wilful misconduct or gross negligence. The implementation of such cross-waiver of liability between the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency, shall in no way be construed as relieving them of performance of contractual obligations. 5. This Article is without prejudice to the rights of the entities designated by the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement in their relations with the European Space Agency or to the rights of the entities designated by the European Space Agency in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement in their relations with the Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, in the context of the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement. 6. The Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, the European Space Agency, of the other part, shall, as appropriate, consult with each other on legal and practical aspects related to the principle of cross-waiver of liability as it is provided for in this Article. 7. The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the applications of the relevant norms and principles of international law, in particular, the bringing of claims under the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects of 29 March 1972. The Parties shall consult promptly on any potential liability which may arise under international law, including the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects of 29 March 1972, on the apportionment of such liability taking into account the specific conditions of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement under which damage arose, and shall cooperate fully for the purpose of establishing the facts in the investigation of any accident, in particular through the exchange of experts and information. In the event of a claim for compensation under international law for damage arising out of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement being brought in the first instance by a third party to a Party, or to the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation, the other Party shall, as appropriate, be allowed to join in the proceedings. The competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency, following their respective rules and procedures, shall include liability clauses in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, in the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement whenever the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement involve the launching of space objects within the meaning of the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects of 29 March 1972. In the absence of such clauses, the provisions of this paragraph shall apply. Article 15 Settlement of Disputes 1. In the event of disputes arising in connection with the interpretation or implementation of the provisions of this Agreement, the Parties shall privilege means of amicable settlement and, if necessary, shall hold consultations for this purpose. 2. The Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, may, in the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement, define the norms and principles applicable to the settlement of disputes in the framework of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement. In the absence of such norms and principles in the said agreements, arrangements and contracts, any dispute arising between the parties thereto shall be settled in accordance with the norms and principles defined in this Article. 3. Any dispute which may arise between the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency shall first be referred to the senior executives of these organisations who shall use their best efforts to settle by consensus issues of facts and law in the interests of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement. Conciliation may be used in this context for the purpose of achieving agreement or drafting findings or recommendations on all issues of facts and law relating to the issue under dispute. If a dispute cannot be settled, the related issues may be raised with the Parties. 4. If a dispute cannot be settled within six months in accordance with the norms and principles described in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article, and in the absence of mutual agreement on other means of settlement, it shall at the request of either Party be submitted to an Arbitration Tribunal in accordance with paragraphs 5 to 9 of this Article. 5. The Party commencing proceedings shall communicate to the other Party the name of an arbitrator appointed by it. The other Party shall, within a period of thirty days following such notification, communicate the name of its arbitrator. The two arbitrators shall, within a period of thirty days following the appointment of the second arbitrator, appoint a third arbitrator who shall not be a national of the Russian Federation or of any of the Member States of the European Space Agency and shall not be of the same nationality as either of the first two arbitrators. The third arbitrator shall be the Arbitration Tribunal`s President. 6. If the time-limits stipulated in paragraph 5 of this Article are not met, either Party may, in the absence of any other agreement, invite the President of the International Court of Justice (The Hague, the Netherlands) to make the necessary appointments from among persons of international standing not having the nationality of the Russian Federation or of any of the Member States of the European Space Agency. If the President of the International Court of Justice is a national of the Russian Federation or of a Member State of the European Space Agency, or for whatever other reason is incapable of performing this function, then the necessary appointments shall be made by the Vice-President of the International Court of Justice. If the Vice-President of the International Court of Justice in turn is a national of any of those States, or for whatever other reason is incapable of performing this function, then the necessary appointments shall be made by the next most senior member of the International Court of Justice who is a national neither of the Russian Federation nor of a Member State of the European Space Agency. 7. The Arbitration Tribunal shall decide where it sits, and shall adopt its own rules of procedure. It shall be the judge of its own competence and shall apply the provisions of this Agreement and of any other relevant agreements, arrangements and contracts concluded between the parties to the dispute, as well as the applicable rules of international law. 8. The decisions of the Arbitration Tribunal shall be taken by a majority of its members, who may not abstain from voting, and who shall remain free to judge whether or not to state the reasons on which they based their vote. At the joint request of the parties to the dispute, the Arbitration Tribunal may formulate recommendations to serve only as a basis for those parties to examine the issues that led to that dispute. The award of the Arbitration Tribunal shall be rendered in writing and, unless the parties to the dispute agreed in advance in writing on a procedure of appeal, it shall be final and binding on each party to the dispute. The Arbitration Tribunal shall interpret the award at the request of either party to the dispute. 9. Each party to the dispute shall bear the costs of its pleas and proceedings. Unless otherwise determined by the Arbitration Tribunal because of the particular circumstances of the case, the expenses of the Arbitration Tribunal, including the remuneration of its members, shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares. Any other expenses in connection with the settlement of the dispute in the course of arbitration shall also be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares, unless the parties to the dispute agree to do otherwise. Article 16 Other Clauses 1. This Agreement contains an Annex on intellectual property rights which shall form an integral part thereof. 2. This Agreement shall be applied provisionally from the date of its signature, and shall enter into force from the date of the last written notification through diplomatic channels of the completion by the Parties of the internal procedures necessary for its entry into force. 3. This Agreement shall remain in force for ten years from the date of its entry into force, and shall be automatically extended for subsequent periods of five years unless either of the Parties notifies the other Party in writing through diplomatic channels of its intention to terminate it at least one year prior to the expiry of the current period of its validity. This Agreement shall terminate upon the expiry of twelve months after receipt by the other Party of such written notification. 4. In the event that this Agreement is terminated in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, its provisions shall continue to apply with respect to all cooperative activities, programmes and projects being carried out, unless the Parties agree otherwise. The termination of this Agreement shall not relieve the Parties, the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the other entities designated in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement of their financial or contractual obligations still in force, or constitute a legal basis for the revision of the said obligations, and shall not affect the rights and obligations of natural and legal persons which arose before the said termination. 5. This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the Parties. The agreed amendments shall enter into force from the date of the last written notification through diplomatic channels of the completion by the Parties of the internal procedures necessary for their entry into force. 6. On the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the European Space Agency concerning Cooperation in the Field of the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes of 25 April 1990 shall cease to have its effect in the relations between the Russian Federation and the European Space Agency. The Government of the Russian Federation or its competent organisation, of the one part, and the European Space Agency, of the other part, shall endeavour, as necessary through appropriate consultations, to provide the conditions for continued implementation under the provisions of this Agreement of the joint projects undertaken pursuant to the said Agreement of 25 April 1990. Done at Paris on 11 February 2003 in two originals, each in the Russian and English languages, both of these texts being equally authentic. Annex INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Definitions and General Provisions 1. For the purpose of this Annex the following definitions shall apply: - "participants" shall mean the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation, the European Space Agency and other entities (institutions, enterprises, institutes, centres and firms) which are subjects of public or private law of the Russian Federation and the Member States of the European Space Agency, and which are involved in the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement; - "joint activity" or "joint research" shall mean activity or research which is designated as such in the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement; - "background intellectual property" means intellectual property to which the Parties or the participants have acquired and have identified rights prior to the beginning of any joint activity and which they intend to use for the purpose of such activity. 2. The Parties and the participants undertake to effectively protect results obtained in the framework of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, and any specific agreements, arrangements and contracts that may be concluded pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement. The Parties and the participants shall notify each other within a reasonable time of the creation of any intellectual property arising out of the cooperative activities, programmes and projects covered by this Agreement, and seek protection for such intellectual property in a timely fashion. I. Scope 1. This Annex is applicable to those areas and forms of cooperation described in Article 2 of this Agreement, except as otherwise agreed by the Parties as provided for in Article 5 of this Agreement. 2. This Annex addresses the allocation of rights and interests of the Parties and participants. Each Party and participant shall ensure that the other Party and participants may obtain the rights to intellectual property allocated to them in accordance with this Annex. 3. This Annex does not alter or otherwise prejudice the Parties` legal regulation of intellectual property, as determined by the norms and regulations that are applicable to each of them with regard to the allocation of rights, interests and royalties. This Annex does not alter or otherwise prejudice the existing relationships between the competent organisation of the Government of the Russian Federation or the European Space Agency, of the one part, and the entities designated in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Agreement, of the other part, nor the relationships between those entities, nor the interests of third persons. This Annex does not prejudice the international obligations of the Parties. In this context, the Government of the Russian Federation states to effectively protect background intellectual property of the Russian Federation created by means of its state budgetary allocations by: - coordinating regulatory matters related to the protection of background intellectual property; - implementing measures aimed at preventing, identifying, restraining and investigating infringements with regard to background intellectual property, on the understanding that for the purposes of this Agreement its competent organisation shall be vested with relevant authority. 4. The Parties and the participants shall retain ownership of the background intellectual property created or granted earlier or resulting from independent activity or research. 5. Any dispute concerning intellectual property shall be resolved by means of amicable settlement. Should a dispute remain unsettled, it shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. 6. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the rights or obligations arising on the basis of this Annex, if they were respectively created or accepted before such termination. II. Ownership, Allocation and Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights 1. The following main principles shall apply to ownership, allocation and exercise of intellectual property rights: - adequate protection of intellectual property; - due consideration for the respective contributions of the Parties and the participants in determining their respective rights and interests; - effective exploitation of results of the joint activity or joint research; - non-discriminatory treatment of participants; - protection of confidential information. 2. For the intellectual property jointly created in the context of the specific agreements, arrangements and contracts referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Agreement, the participants shall jointly develop Technology Management Plans either before the beginning of the specific scientific research and experimental and design cooperation, or immediately after the identification of results which can be protected under an intellectual property title. 3. In respect of the ownership and use, including publication, of intellectual property that may be received or created in the course of a joint activity, Technology Management Plans shall: - take the form of specific agreements between the participants on the performance of a joint activity and their corresponding rights and obligations, upon approval in accordance with the rules and procedures applicable to each Party; - determine, in general, the arrangements governing possession and protection of intellectual property, the rights of users for scientific research and experimental and design purposes, for utilisation and for dissemination, including arrangements on joint publications, and the rights and obligations of attached scientists, engineers and specialised personnel, and also include procedures for the resolution of disputes; they may cover licensing matters and the transfer of the results of scientific investigations; and - be elaborated taking into account the objectives of joint activity, the respective contributions made by the participants, and the advantages and disadvantages of licensing based on the geographical territory or area of application, the transfer of data, goods or services subject to export control, requirements under the applicable laws, and other factors that may be considered necessary by the participants. 4. Intellectual property created in the course of joint research and not addressed in the Technology Management Plans shall be allocated, with the approval of the Parties, according to the principles set out in section II, paragraph 1 of this Annex. In case of disagreement, such intellectual property shall be owned jointly by all the participants involved in the joint research from which the intellectual property results. Each participant to which this provision applies shall have the right to use such intellectual property for its own exploitation with no geographical limitation. 5. The rules for the internal regulation of host organisations or institutions as regards intellectual property rights, as well as possible remuneration related to these rights as they are determined by the internal regulations of each of the host organisations or institutions, shall extend to researchers and scientists of one of the participants enlisted in the service of any organisations or institutions of the other participant. Each researcher or scientist, designated as an inventor, is entitled in accordance with his contribution to a share of remuneration earned by the host organisations or institutions for licensing such intellectual property. 6. The use of background intellectual property, which does not result from joint research, shall be established by specific agreements between the Parties and/or the participants. III. Copyright Publications shall be protected by copyright. The Parties and the participants shall provide for treatment of copyrighted works in accordance with the provisions of the Bern Convention for the protection of literary and artistic work (Paris Act 1971). IV. Publications of a Scientific Character 1. The participants shall ensure that publications of a scientific character arising from joint research pursuant to this Agreement shall be disseminated as widely as possible. 2. Unless otherwise agreed in the Technology Management Plans, publication of results of joint research shall be made jointly by the participants in that joint research. Subject to the foregoing general rule, the following procedures shall apply: - in the case of publication by a participant of scientific and technical journals, articles, reports, books, as well as release of audio or video productions and software, arising from joint research pursuant to this Agreement, the other participant shall be entitled within the limits specified within the Technology Management Plans to a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable and royalty-free licence to translate, reproduce, adapt, transmit and publicly distribute such works; - all copies of a copyrighted work to be publicly distributed under this paragraph shall indicate the name of the author of the work unless such author explicitly declines to be named. Such copies shall also bear a clearly visible acknowledgement of the respective contributions of the participants involved in the publication. Страницы: 1 2 |