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The amount of released new domestic products by Darnytsia impreses

The amount of released new domestic products by Darnytsia impreses

Darnytsia is intensively developing new drugs, investing in them its own funds too. The reasons for it are quite obvious – caused by the growth of the pandemic situation and increased need for newly developed formulas. That’s why the company had to intensify the development process with any method available.

A Chairman of the Board of Directors of Darnytsia Group, Dmytro Shymkiv (https://en.lb.ua/news/2018/09/20/6553_dmytro_shymkiv_becomes_board.html), made his statement in an interview with Ukrinform after being asked to comment on these facts. He gladly answered all the questions regarding the news and added some details about further development.

«Over the past five years, Darnytsia has released more than 40 new brands, in the development of which we have invested 35.3 million euros, but we don’t plan on slowing down the expanding process at all. We’re focused on registering 11 new names of medicines in 27 dosages and types of packages. Five of the announced drugs have already received permission for official release», said the Chairman during the interview.

He clarified that the company had expanded its production of nasal sprays, sedatives, and means to regulate the physiological rhythm of the intestine. These are the medications required in everyday situations and needed to be in immediate availability with no problems. The category of prescription drugs presented a balanced crystalloid solution for correcting electrolyte imbalance, a drug for gout treatment, and a dual combination of antihypertensive drugs optimal for effective blood pressure control.

The Board of Directors representative also said that Darnitsa was going to rebrand and presented a new strategy, planning to take a leading position in complex generics, which is kind of a new path studied rather shallowly before. Developing its product portfolio, the company sticks to the chosen strategy, which is in focusing on the treatment of the most common diseases in Ukraine. Such an approach will reduce the cost of production and final sale price by making it more affordable for every common customer.

«We are developing new drugs in collaboration with the scientific and medical community, and now our portfolio contains more than 60 products at various levels of pharmaceutical development, which we plan to register by 2023. This is an outcome of both the company’s own development and cooperation with international companies. The company annually directs more than 40% of the total investment to research and development of new products», that was what the Chairman claimed.

Тематические сайты: Предпринимательское право

Ньюсмейкер: Darnitsa — 3 публикации
Сайт: en.lb.ua/news/2018/09/20/6553_dmytro_shymkiv_becomes_board.html


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