КОНВЕНЦИЯ 2006 ГОДА О ТРУДЕ В МОРСКОМ СУДОХОДСТВЕ. Конвенция. Международная организация труда. 23.02.06


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Standard A3.2
                          Food and catering

     1. Each Member shall adopt laws and regulations or other measures
to  provide minimum standards for the quantity and quality of food and
drinking  water  and  for  the  catering standards that apply to meals
provided  to seafarers on ships that fly its flag, and shall undertake
educational  activities to promote awareness and implementation of the
standards referred to in this paragraph.
     2. Each Member shall ensure that ships that fly its flag meet the
following minimum standards:
     (a) food and drinking water supplies, having regard to the number
of  seafarers  on  board,  their  religious  requirements and cultural
practices  as they pertain to food, and the duration and nature of the
voyage,  shall  be suitable in respect of quantity, nutritional value,
quality and variety;
     (b)  the  organization  and  equipment of the catering department
shall be such as to permit the provision to the seafarers of adequate,
varied   and   nutritious   meals  prepared  and  served  in  hygienic
conditions; and
     (c)  catering  staff  shall be properly trained or instructed for
their positions.
     3.  Shipowners  shall  ensure  that  seafarers who are engaged as
ships`  cooks  are  trained,  qualified  and  found  competent for the
position  in  accordance  with  requirements  set  out in the laws and
regulations of the Member concerned.
     4.  The  requirements  under  paragraph  3 of this Standard shall
include  a  completion  of a training course approved or recognized by
the  competent  authority,  which  covers  practical cookery, food and
personal  hygiene,  food  storage,  stock  control,  and environmental
protection and catering health and safety.
     5.  On ships operating with a prescribed manning of less than ten
which,  by  virtue of the size of the crew or the trading pattern, may
not  be required by the competent authority to carry a fully qualified
cook,  anyone  processing  food  in  the  galley  shall  be trained or
instructed  in  areas  including  food and personal hygiene as well as
handling and storage of food on board ship.
     6.  In  circumstances  of  exceptional  necessity,  the competent
authority  may  issue  a dispensation permitting a non-fully qualified
cook  to  serve  in  a  specified ship for a specified limited period,
until  the  next convenient port of call or for a period not exceeding
one month, provided that the person to whom the dispensation is issued
is  trained  or instructed in areas including food and personal hygene
as well as handling and storage of food on board ship.
     7.  In  accordance  with  the ongoing compliance procedures under
Title   5,   the  competent  authority  shall  require  that  frequent
documented  inspections be carried out on board ships, by or under the
authority of the master, with respect to:
     (a) supplies of food and drinking water;
     (b) all spaces and equipment used for the storage and handling of
food and drinking water; and
     (c) galley and other equipment for the preparation and service of
     8.  No  seafarer under the age of 18 shall be employed or engaged
or work as a ship`s cook.


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