Regulation 5.1.3. MARITIME LABOUR CERTIFICATE AND DECLARATION OF MARITIME LABOUR COMPLIANCE 1. This Regulation applies to ships of: (a) 500 gross tonnage or over, engaged in international voyages; and (b) 500 gross tonnage or over, flying the flag of a Member and operating from a port, or between ports, in another country. For the purpose of this Regulation, "international voyage" means a voyage from a country to a port outside such a country. 2. This Regulation also applies to any ship that flies the flag of a Member and is not covered by paragraph 1 of this Regulation, at the request of the shipowner to the Member concerned. 3. Each Member shall require ships that fly its flag to carry and maintain a maritime labour certificate certifying that the working and living conditions of seafarers on the ship, including measures for ongoing compliance to be included in the declaration of maritime labour compliance referred to in paragraph 4 of this Regulation, have been inspected and meet the requirements of national laws or regulations or other measures implementing this Convention. 4. Each Member shall require ships that fly its flag to carry and maintain a declaration of maritime labour compliance stating the national requirements implementing this Convention for the working and living conditions for seafarers and setting out the measures adopted by the shipowner to ensure compliance with the requirements on the ship or ships concerned. 5. The maritime labour certificate and the declaration of maritime labour compliance shall conform to the model prescribed by the Code. 6. Where the competent authority of the Member or a recognized organization duly authorized for this purpose has ascertained through inspection that a ship that flies the Member`s flag meets or continues to meet the standards of this Convention, it shall issue or renew a maritime labour certificate to that effect and maintain a publicly available record of that certificate. 7. Detailed requirements for the maritime labour certificate and the declaration of maritime labour compliance, including a list of the matters that must be inspected and approved, are set out in Part A of the Code. |