Электродвигатели для насосов.

ОБ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИИ БАЗЫ ДАННЫХ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ НЕПАТЕНТОВАННЫХ НАИМЕНОВАНИЙ (МНН). Приказ. Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности, патентам и товарным знакам. 04.04.08 45


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Полный текст документа

                     ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫХ ПРИ ОТБОРЕ МНН
|  Основа   |   Перевод   |     Определение (субоснова, если имеется)     |
|  (STEM)   |             |                                               |
|-ac        |-ак          |anti-inflammatory agents, ibufenac derivatives |
|-actide    |-актид       |synthetic polypeptides with a corticotropin-   |
|           |             |like action                                    |
|-adol or   |-адол или    |analgesics                                     |
|-adol-     |-адол-       |                                               |
|-adom      |-адом        |analgesics, tifluadom derivatives              |
|-afenone   |-афенон      |antiarrhythmics, propafenone derivatives       |
|-aj-       |-ай-         |antiarrhythmics, ajmaline derivatives          |
|-aldrate   |-алдрат      |antacids, aluminium salts                      |
|-alox      |-алокс       |antacids, aluminium derivatives                |
|-amivir    |-амивир      |см. vir                                        |
|andr       |андр         |steroids, androgens                            |
|or -stan-  |или -стан-   |                                               |
|or -ster-  |или -стер-   |                                               |
|-anserin   |-ансерин     |serotonin receptor antagonists (mostly 5-НТ )  |
|           |             |                                           2   |
|-antel     |-антел       |anthelmintics (undefined group)                |
|-apine     |-апин        |см. -pine                                      |
|-arabine   |-арабин      |arabinofuranosyl derivatives                   |
|-arit      |-арит        |antiarthritic substances, acting like          |
|           |             |clobuzarit and lobenzarit (mechanism different |
|           |             |from anti-inflammatory type substances,        |
|           |             |e.g. -fenamates or -profens)                   |
|-arol      |-арол        |anticoagulants, dicoumarol derivatives         |
|arte-      |арт-         |antimalarial agents, artemisinin related       |
|           |             |compounds                                      |
|-ase       |-аза         |enzymes:                                       |
|           |             |-dismase (superoxide dismutase activity);      |
|           |             |-pase (lipase);                                |
|           |             |-teplase (tissue plasminogen activators);      |
|           |             |-uplase (urokinase-type-plasminogen activators)|
|-ast       |-аст         |antiasthmatic, antiallergics, not acting       |
|           |             |primarily as antihistaminics:                  |
|           |             |-lukast (leukotriene receptor antagonist);     |
|           |             |-trodast (thromboxane A  receptor antagonists, |
|           |             |                       2                       |
|           |             |antiasthmatics)                                |
|-astine    |-астин       |antihistaminics                                |
|-azenil    |-азенил      |benzodiazepine receptor antagonists/agonists   |
|           |             |(benzodiazepine derivatives)                   |
|-azepam    |-азепам      |diazepam derivatives                           |
|-azepide   |-азепид      |cholecystokinin receptor antagonist            |
|-azocine   |-азозин      |narcotic antagonists/agonsists related to 6,7- |
|           |             |benzomorphan                                   |
|-azoline   |-азолин      |antihistaminics or local vasoconstrictors,     |
|           |             |antazoline derivatives                         |
|-azosin    |-азосин      |antihypertensive substances, prazosin          |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-bactam    |-бактам      |b-lactamase inhibitors                         |
|-bamate    |-бамат       |tranquillizers, propanediol and pentanediol    |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|barb       |барб         |hypnotics, barbituric acid derivatives         |
|-bendazole |-бендазол    |anthelmintics, tiabendazole derivatives        |
|bol        |бол          |anabolic steroids                              |
|-bradine   |-брадин      |bradycardic agents                             |
|-buzone    |бузон        |anti-inflammatory analgesics, phenylbutazone   |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-cain-     |-каин-       |Class I antiarrhythmics, procainamide and      |
|           |             |lidocaine derivatives (antifibrillants with    |
|           |             |local anaesthetic activity)                    |
|-caine     |-каин        |local anaesthetics                             |
|calci      |кальци       |Vitamin D analogues/derivatives                |
|-carbef    |-карбеф      |antibiotics, carbacepham derivatives           |
|-carnil    |-карнил      |benzodiazepine receptor antagonists/agonists   |
|           |             |(carboline derivatives)                        |
|-cavir     |-кавир       |см. vir                                        |
|cef-       |цеф-         |antibiotics, cefalosporanic acid derivatives   |
|cell-      |цел-         |cellulose derivatives:                         |
|or cel-    |или цел-     |cell-ate (cellulose ester derivatives);        |
|or -cell-  |или -цел-    |-cellose (cellulose ether derivatives)         |
|-cic       |-цик         |hepatoprotective substances with a carboxylic  |
|           |             |acid group                                     |
|-cidin     |-цидин       |naturally occurring antibiotics (undefined     |
|           |             |group)                                         |
|-cillin    |-цилин       |antibiotics, 6-aminopenicillanic acid          |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-citabine  |-цитабин     |nucleoside antiviral or antineoplastic agents, |
|           |             |cytarabine or azarabine derivatives            |
|-clone     |-клон        |hypnotic tranquillizers                        |
|-cog       |-ког         |blood coagulation factors:                     |
|           |             |(-)eptacog (blood coagulation VII);            |
|           |             |(-)octocog (blood coagulation factor VIII);    |
|           |             |(-)nonacog (blood coagulation factor IX)       |
|-conazole  |-коназол     |systemic antifungal agents, miconazole         |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|cort       |корт         |corticosteroids, except prednisolone           |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-crinat    |-кринат      |diuretics, etacrynic acid derivatives          |
|-crine     |-крин        |acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, tacrine       |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-cromil    |-кромил      |antiallergics, cromoglicic acid derivatives    |
|-curium    |-курий       |см. -ium (ий)                                  |
|-cycline   |-циклин      |antibiotics, tetracycline derivatives          |
|-dan       |-дан         |cardiac stimulants, pimobendan derivatives     |
|-dapsone   |-дапсон      |antimycobacteriais, diaminodiphenylsulfone     |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-dermin    |-дермин      |см. -ermin                                     |
|-dil       |-дил         |vasodilators                                   |
|-dipine    |-дипин       |calcium channel blockers, nifedipine           |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-dismase   |-дисмаза     |см. -ase (аза)                                 |
|-dopa      |-допа        |dopamine receptor agonists, dopamine           |
|           |             |derivatives, used as antiparkinsonism/prolactm |
|           |             |inhibitors                                     |
|-dox       |-докс        |antibacterial, quinoline dioxide derivatives   |
|-dralazine |-дралазин    |antihypertensives, hydrazinephthalazine        |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-drine     |-дрин        |sympathomimetics;                              |
|           |             |-frine; sympathomimetic, phenethyl derivatives |
|-dronic    |-дроник ацид |calcium metabolism regulator, pharmaceutical   |
|acid       |             |aid                                            |
|-ectin     |-эктин       |antiparasitics, ivermectin derivatives         |
|-entan     |-энтан       |endothelin receptor antagonists                |
|-eptacog   |-эптаког     |см. -cog (ког)                                 |
|erg        |эрг          |ergot alkaloid derivatives                     |
|-eridine   |-эридин      |analgesics, pethidine derivatives              |
|-ermin     |-эрмин       |growth factors:                                |
|           |             |-dermin (epidermal growth factors);            |
|           |             |-fermin (fibrinoblast growth factors);         |
|           |             |-nermin (tumour necrosis factor);              |
|           |             |-sermin (insulin - like growth factors)        |
|estr       |эстр         |estrogens                                      |
|-etanide   |-этанид      |diuretics, piretanide derivatives              |
|-exakin    |-эксакин     |см. -kin                                       |
|-exine     |-эксин       |mucolytic, bromhexine derivatives              |
|-fenamic   |-фенамик ацид|antiinflammatory, anthranilic acid derivatives:|
|acid       |             |-fenamale ("-fenamic acid" derivatives)        |
|-fenin     |-фенин       |diagnostic aids; (phenylcarbamoyl)methyl       |
|           |             |iminodiacetic acid derivatives                 |
|-fenine    |-фенин       |analgesics, glafenine derivatives - (subgroup  |
|           |             |of fenamic acid group)                         |
|-fentanil  |-фентанил    |narcotic analgesics, fentanil derivatives      |
|-fermin    |-фермин      |см. -ermin                                     |
|-fiban     |-фибан       |fibrinogen receptor antagonists (glycoprotein  |
|           |             |lib/IIIa receptor antagonists)                 |
|-fibrate   |-фибрат      |clofibrate derivatives                         |
|-flapon    |-флапон      |5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP)       |
|           |             |inhibitor                                      |
|-flurane   |-флуран      |general inhalation anaesthetics, halogenated   |
|           |             |alkane derivatives                             |
|-formin    |-формин      |antihyperglycaemics, phenformin derivatives    |
|-fos (-vos)|-фос (-вос)  |insecticides, anthelmintics, pesticides etc.,  |
|           |             |phosphorous derivatives                        |
|-fos- or   |-фос- или    |various pharmacological categories belonging to|
|fos-       |фос-         |-fos (other than above)                        |
|-fradil    |-фрадил      |calcium channel blockers acting as vasodilators|
|-frine     |-фрин        |см. -drine                                     |
|-fungin    |-фунгин      |antifungal antibiotics                         |
|-fylline   |-филлин      |N-methylated xanthine derivatives              |
|gab        |габ          |gabamimetic agents                             |
|gado-      |гадо-        |diagnostic agents, gadolinium derivatives      |
|-gatran    |-гатран      |thrombin inhibitor, antithrombotic agents      |
|gest       |гест         |steroids, progestogens                         |
|-giline    |-гилин       |MAO-inhibitors type B                          |
|-gillin    |-гиллин      |antibiotics produced by Aspergillus strains    |
|gli        |гли          |antihyperglycaemics, sulfonamide derivatives   |
|-golide    |-голид       |dopamine receptor agonists, ergoline           |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-gramostim |-грамостим   |см. -stim                                      |
|-grastim   |-грастим     |см. -stim                                      |
|-grel- or  |-грел- или   |platelet aggregation inhibitors                |
|-grel      |-грел        |                                               |
|guan-      |гуан-        |antihypertensives, guanidine derivatives       |
|-icam      |-икам        |anti-inflammatory, isoxicam derivatives        |
|-ifene     |-ифен        |antiestrogens, domifene and tamoxifen          |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-ilide     |-илид        |Class III antiarrhythmics, sematilide          |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|imex       |имекс        |immunostimulants                               |
|-imod      |-имод        |immunomodulators, both stimulant/suppressive   |
|           |             |and stimulant                                  |
|-imus      |-имус        |immunosuppressants (other than antineoplastics)|
|io-        |йо-          |iodine-containing contrast media               |
|-io- or    |-йо- или йод-|iodine containing compounds other than contrast|
|iod-       |             |media                                          |
|-iptan     |-иптан       |serotonin (5HT,) receptor agonists, sumatriptan|
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-irudin    |-ирудин      |hirudin derivatives                            |
|-isomide   |-изомид      |antiarrhythmics, disopyramide derivatives      |
|-ium       |-ий          |quaternary ammonium compounds:                 |
|           |             |-curium (curare - like substances)             |
|-izine     |-изин        |diphenylmethyl piperazine derivatives;         |
|           |             |-rizine (antihistaminics/cerebral (or          |
|           |             |peripheral) vasodilators)                      |
|-kacin     |-кацин       |antibiotics, kanamycin and bekanamycin         |
|           |             |derivatives (obtained from Streptomyces        |
|           |             |kanamyceticus)                                 |
|-kalant    |-калант      |potassium channel blockers                     |
|-kalim     |-калим       |potassium channel activators, antihypertensive |
|-kef-      |-кеф-        |enkephalin agonists                            |
|-kin       |-кин         |interleukin type substances:                   |
|           |             |-nakin (II-1 derivatives);                     |
|           |             |-leukin (II-2 derivatives);                    |
|           |             |-plestim (II-3 derivatives);                   |
|           |             |-exakin (II-6 derivatives)                     |
|-kinra     |-кинра       |interleukin receptor                           |
|           |             |antagonists:                                   |
|           |             |-nakinra (II-1 receptor antagonists)           |
|-kiren     |-кирен       |renin inhibitors                               |
|-leukin    |-лейкин      |см. -kin                                       |
|-lipastat  |-липастат    |см. -stat                                      |
|-lukast    |-люкаст      |см. -ast                                       |
|-mab       |-маб         |monoclonal antibodies (более подробно на       |
|           |             |стр...)                                        |
|-mantadine |-мантадин    |adamantane derivatives:                        |
|           |             |-mantine;                                      |
|           |             |-mantone                                       |
|-meline    |-мелин       |cholinergic agents, arecoline derivatives      |
|-mer       |-мер         |polymers                                       |
|-mesine    |-мезин       |sigma receptor ligands                         |
|-mestane   |-местан      |aromatase inhibitors                           |
|-metacin   |-метацин     |anti-inflammatory, indometacin derivatives     |
|-micin     |-мицин       |antibiotics obtained from various              |
|           |             |Micromonospora                                 |
|-monam     |-монам       |monobactam antibiotics                         |
|-morelin   |-морелин     |см. -relin                                     |
|-mostim    |-мостим      |см. -stim                                      |
|-motine    |-мотин       |antivirals, quinoline derivatives              |
|-moxin     |-моксин      |monoamine oxidase inhibitors, hydrazine        |
|           |             |derivatives not part of definition             |
|-mustine   |-мустин      |antineoplastic, alkylating agents, (b-         |
|           |             |hloroethyl) amine derivatives                  |
|-mycin     |-мицин       |antibiotics, produced by Streptomyces strains  |
|nab        |наб          |cannabinol derivatives                         |
|-nakin     |-накин       |см. -kin                                       |
|-nakinra   |-накинра     |см. -kinra                                     |
|nal-       |нал-         |narcotic                                       |
|           |             |antagonists/agonists related to normorphine    |
|-nercept   |-нерцепт     |tumor necrosis factor antagonist               |
|-nermin    |-нермин      |см. -ermin                                     |
|nic        |ник          |nicotinic acid or nicotinoyl, alcohol          |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-nicate    |-никат       |antihypercholesterolaemic and/or vasodilating  |
|           |             |nicotinic acid esters                          |
|-nidazole  |-нидазол     |antiprotozoals, metronidazole derivatives      |
|nifur-     |нифур-       |5-nitrofuran derivatives                       |
|-nixin     |-никсин      |anti-inflammatory, anilinonicotinicacid        |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-nonacog   |-нонаког     |см. -cog                                       |
|-octocog   |-октоког     |см. -cog                                       |
|-olol      |-олол        |b-adrenoreceptor antagonists;                  |
|           |             |-alol: aromatic ring -CH-CH2-NH-R related to   |
|           |             |-oiols                                         |
|-olone     |-олон        |steroids other than prednisolone derivatives   |
|-opamine   |-опамин <1>  |dopaminergic agents                            |
|           |             |dopamine derivatives used                      |
|           |             |as cardiac stimulant/anti                      |
|           |             |hypertensives/diuretics                        |
|-onide     |-онид        |steroids for topical use, acetal derivatives   |
|-(o)nidine |-(о)нидин    |antihypertensives, clonidine derivatives       |
|-orex      |-орекс       |anoretics                                      |
|orphan     |орфан        |narcotic antagonists/agonists, morphinan       |
|           |             |derivates:                                     |
|           |             |-orphine, -orphinol, orphone                   |
|-oxacin    |-оксацин     |antibacterials, nalidixic acid derivatives     |
|-oxan(e)   |-оксан       |benzodioxane derivatives                       |
|-oxanide   |-оксанид     |antiparasitics, salicylanides and analogues    |
|-oxef      |-оксеф       |antibiotics, oxacefalosporanic acid derivatives|
|-oxetine   |-оксетин     |antidepressants, fluoxetine derivatives        |
|-pafant    |-пафант      |platelet-activating factor antagonists         |
|-pamide    |-памид       |diuretics, sulfamoylbenzoic acid derivatives   |
|-pamil     |-памил       |coronary vasodilators, verapamil derivatives   |
|-parcin    |-парцин      |glycopeptide antibiotics                       |
|-parin     |-парин       |heparin derivatives including low molecular    |
|           |             |mass heparins                                  |
|-penem     |-пенем       |analogues of penicillanic acid antibiotics     |
|           |             |modified in the five-membered ring             |
|-peridol   |-перидол     |см. -perone                                    |
|-peridone  |-перидон     |см. -perone                                    |
|-perone    |-перон       |tranquillizers, neuroleptics, 4`-fluoro-4-     |
|           |             |piperidinobutyrophenone derivatives:           |
|           |             |-peridot (antipsychotics, haloperidol          |
|           |             |derivatives);                                  |
|           |             |-peridone (antipsychotics, risperidone         |
|           |             |derivatives)                                   |
|-pidem     |-пидем       |hypnotics/sedatives, Zolpidem derivatives      |
|-pin(e)    |-пин         |tricyclic compounds:                           |
|           |             |-apine (psychoactive);                         |
|           |             |-cilpine(antiepileptic);                       |
|           |             |-dipine (cm. -dipine);                         |
|           |             |-zepine (antidepressant/neuroleptic);          |
|           |             |-oxepin, -oxopine , -sopine;                   |
|           |             |                 r                             |
|           |             |-tepines                                       |
|-piprazole |-пипразол    |psychotropics, phenylpiperazine derivatives    |
|-pirox     |-пирокс      |antimycotic pyridone derivatives               |
|-planin    |-планин      |antibacterial (Actinoplanes)                   |
|-platin    |-платин      |antineoplastic agents, platinum derivatives    |
|-plestim   |-плестим     |см. -stim                                      |
|-plon      |-плон        |Pyrazol[]pyrimidine derivatives, used as       |
|           |             |anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics:             |
|           |             |-poetin erythropoietin type blood factors;     |
|           |             |-porfin benzoporphyrin derivatives             |
|-pramine   |-прамин      |substances of the imipramine group             |
|-prazole   |-празол      |antiulcer, benzimidazole derivatives           |
|pred       |пред         |prednisone and prednisolone derivatives:       |
|           |             |-methasone or -metasone;                       |
|           |             |-betasol                                       |
|-pressin   |-прессин     |vasoconstrictors, vasopressin derivatives      |
|-pride     |-прид        |sulpiride derivatives                          |
|-pril(at)  |-прил(ат)    |angiotensin-converting                         |
|-pril(at)  |-прил(ат)    |angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors       |
|-prim      |-прим        |antibacterials, trimethoprim derivatives       |
|-profen    |-профен      |anti-inflammatory agents, ibuprofen derivatives|
|prost      |прост        |prostaglandins; -prostil (prostaglandins, anti-|
|           |             |ulcer)                                         |
|-prostil   |-простил     |см. -prost                                     |
|-quinil    |-квинил      |benzodiazepine receptor partial agonists       |
|           |             |(quinoline derivatives)                        |
|-racetam   |-рацетам     |amide type nootrope agents, piracetam          |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-relin     |-релин       |prehormones or hormone-release stimulating     |
|           |             |peptides:                                      |
|           |             |-morelin (growth hormone release-stimulating   |
|           |             |peptides);                                     |
|           |             |-tirelin (thyrotropin releasing hormone        |
|           |             |analogues)                                     |
|-relix     |-реликс      |hormone-release inhibiting peptides            |
|-renone    |-ренон       |aldosterone antagonists, spironolactone        |
|           |             |derivates                                      |
|-restat (or|-рестат (или |см. -stat                                      |
|-restat-)  |-рестат-)    |                                               |
|retin      |ретин        |retinol derivatives                            |
|-ribine    |-рибин       |ribofuranil-derivatives of the pyrazofurin type|
|rifa-      |рифа-        |antibiotics, rifamycin derivatives             |
|-rinone    |-ринон       |cardiac stimulants, amrinone derivatives       |
|-rizine    |-ризин       |см. -izine                                     |
|-rozole    |-розол       |aromatase inhibitors, imidazole-triazoie       |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-rubicin   |-рубицин     |antineoplastic antibiotics, daunorubicin       |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|sal        |сал          |salicylic acid derivatives:                    |
|           |             |-sal-, salazo-, -salazine/salazide, -salan     |
|-sartan    |-сартан <2>  |angiotensin II receptor antagonists,           |
|           |             |antihypertensive (nonpeptidic)                 |
|-semide    |-семид       |diuretics, furosemide derivatives              |
|-sermin    |-сермин      |см. -ermin                                     |
|-serpine   |-серпин      |derivatives of Rauwolfia alkaloids             |
|-setron    |-сетрон      |serotonin receptor antagonists (5-HT ) not     |
|           |             |                                    3          |
|           |             |fitting into other established groups of       |
|           |             |serotonin receptor antagonists                 |
|som-       |сом-         |growth hormone derivatives                     |
|-spirone   |-спирон      |anxiolytics, buspirone derivatives             |
|-stat (or  |-стат (или   |enzyme inhibitors:                             |
|-stat-)    |-стат-)      |-lipastat (pancreatic lipase inhibitors);      |
|           |             |-restator, -restat- (aldose-reducing           |
|           |             |inhibitors);                                   |
|           |             |-vastatin (antilipidemic substances, HMC CoA   |
|           |             |reductase inhibitors)                          |
|-steine    |-стейн       |mucolytics, other than bromhexine derivatives  |
|-ster      |-стер        |androgens/anabolic steroids: -testosterone,    |
|           |             |-sterone, -ster-, -gesterone, -sterone, sterol,|
|           |             |ster, -(a)steride (antineoplastics)            |
|-stim      |-стим        |colony stimulating factors:                    |
|           |             |-grastim (granulocyte colony stimulatory factor|
|           |             |(G-C5F) type) substances;                      |
|           |             |-gramostim (granulocyte macrophage colony      |
|           |             |stimulating factor (CM-CSF) type substances);  |
|           |             |-mostim (macrophage stimulating factors (M-C5F)|
|           |             |type substances);                              |
|           |             |-plestim (interleukin-3 analogues and          |
|           |             |derivatives)                                   |
|sulfa-     |сульфа-      |anti-infectives, sulfonamides                  |
|-sulfan    |-сульфан     |antineoplastic, alkylating agents,             |
|           |             |methanesulfonates                              |
|-tecan     |-текан       |antineoplastics, topoisomerase I inhibitors    |
|-tepa      |-тепа        |antineoplastics, thiotepa derivatives          |
|-teplase   |-теплаза     |см. -ase                                       |
|-terol     |-терол       |bronchodilators, phenethylamine derivatives    |
|           |             |[previousty -prenaline or -terenol]            |
|-terone    |-терон       |antiandrogens                                  |
|-tiazem    |-тиазем      |calcium channel blockers, diltiazem derivatives|
|-tide      |-тид         |peptides and glycopeptides                     |
|           |             |(for special groups of peptides см. -actide,   |
|           |             |-pressin, -relin, -tocin)                      |
|-tidine    |-тидин       |histamine H; -receptor antagonists, cimetidine |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-tirelin   |-тирелин     |см. -relin                                     |
|-tizide    |-тизид       |diuretics, chlorothiazide derivatives          |
|-tocin     |-тоцин       |oxytocin derivatives                           |
|-toin      |-тоин        |antiepileptics, hydantoin derivatives          |
|-trexate   |-трексат     |folic acid analogues                           |
|-tricin    |-трицин      |antibiotics, polyene derivatives               |
|-triptyline|-триптилин   |antidepressants, dibenzo[a,d]cycloheptane or   |
|           |             |cyciopheptene derivatives                      |
|-troban    |-тробан      |thromboxane А -receptor antagonists;           |
|           |             |             2                                 |
|           |             |antithrombotic agents                          |
|-trodast   |-тродаст     |см. -ast                                       |
|trop       |троп         |atropine derivatives                           |
|-uplase    |-уплаза      |см. -ase                                       |
|-uracil    |-урацил      |uracil derivatives used as thyroid antagonists |
|           |             |and as antineoplastics                         |
|-uridine   |-уридин      |uridine derivatives used as antiviral agents   |
|           |             |and as antineoplastics; also -udine            |
|-vastatin  |-вастатин    |см. -stat                                      |
|-verine    |-верин       |spasmolytics with a papaverine-like action     |
|vin- or    |вин- или     |vinca alkaloids                                |
|-vin-      |-вин-        |                                               |
|vir        |вир          |antivirals (undefined group):                  |
|           |             |-amivir (neuraminidase inhibitors);            |
|           |             |-cavir (carbocyclic nucleosides);              |
|           |             |-virsen (antisense oligonucleotides)           |
|-virsen    |-вирсен      |см. vir                                        |
|-vudine    |-вудин       |antiviral; antineoplastics, zidovudine         |
|           |             |derivatives                                    |
|-xanox     |-ксанокс     |antiallergic respiratory tract drugs, xanoxic  |
|           |             |acid derivatives                               |
|-zafone    |-зафон       |alozafone derivatives                          |
|-zepine    |-зепин       |см. -pine                                      |

     <1> В  российской  практике часто встречается основа "dopamine" -
     <2> Есть лекарство "лозартан".

     Дефис (-)  указывает  на  расположение  корневых  основ   в   МНН
(спереди, на конце или в середине).
     Отсутствие дефиса означает,  что корневая основа может находиться
в любом месте в МНН.
|Основа (STEM)|  Перевод  |                  Определение                  |
|mer- or -mer-|мер- или   |mercury-containing drugs, antimicrobial or     |
|             |-мер-      |diuretic (deleted from General Principles in   |
|             |           |List 28 prop. INN)                             |
|mito-        |мито-      |antineoplastics, nucleotoxic agents (deleted   |
|             |           |from General Principles in List 24 prop. INN)  |
|-ol          |-ол        |alcohols and phenols (deleted from General     |
|             |           |Principles in 14th report)                     |
|-quine, quin |-квин, квин|quinoline derivatives (deleted from General    |
|             |           |Principles in List 28 prop. INN)               |
|-stigmine    |-стигмин   |anticholinesterases (deleted from General      |
|             |           |Principles in List 24 prop. INN)               |

                                                          Приложение 3


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