О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ. Конвенция. Совет Европы. 21.03.83

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     The member  States of the Council of Europe and the other States,
signatory hereto,
     Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a
greater unity between its members;
     Desirous of  further developing international co-operation in the
field of criminal law;
     Considering that  such  co-operation  should  further the ends of
justice and the social rehabilitation of sentenced persons;
     Considering that these objectives require that foreigners who are
deprived of their liberty  as  a  result  of  their  commission  of  a
criminal  offence  should  be  given  the  opportunity  to serve their
sentences within their own society; and
     Considering that  this  aim  can  best be achieved by having them
transferred to their own countries,
     Have agreed as follows:

Фрагмент документа "О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ".

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