О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ. Конвенция. Совет Европы. 21.03.83

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Article 5 - Requests and replies

     1. Requests for transfer and replies shall be made in writing.
     2. Requests  shall be addressed by the Ministry of Justice of the
requesting State to the Ministry of Justice of  the  requested  State.
Replies shall be communicated through the same channels.
     3. Any Party may,  by a declaration addressed  to  the  Secretary
General  of  the  Council  of Europe,  indicate that it will use other
channels of communication.
     4. The requested State shall promptly inform the requesting State
of its decision whether or not to agree to the requested transfer.

Фрагмент документа "О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ".

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