О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ. Конвенция. Совет Европы. 21.03.83

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Article 11 - Conversion of sentence

     1. In the case of conversion of sentence, the procedures provided
for by the law of the administering State apply.  When converting  the
sentence, the competent authority:
     a) shall be bound by the findings as to the facts insofar as they
appear  explicitly  or  implicitly  from  the  judgment imposed in the
sentencing State;
     b) may not convert a sanction involving deprivation of liberty to
a pecuniary sanction;
     с) shall  deduct the full period of deprivation of liberty served
by the sentenced person; and
     d) shall  not  aggravate  the  penal  position  of  the sentenced
person,  and shall not be bound by any minimum which the  law  of  the
administering State may provide for the offence or offences committed.
     2. If the conversion procedure takes place after the transfer  of
the  sentenced person,  the administering State shall keep that person
in custody or otherwise ensure his presence in the administering State
pending the outcome of that procedure.

Фрагмент документа "О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ".

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