О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ. Конвенция. Совет Европы. 21.03.83

Фрагмент документа "О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ".

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Article 17 - Language and costs

     1. Information  under  Article  4,  paragraphs  2 to 4,  shall be
furnished in the language of the Party to which it is addressed or  in
one of the official languages of the Council of Europe.
     2. Subject to paragraph 3 below,  no translation of requests  for
transfer or of supporting documents shall be required.
     3. Any State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its
instrument of ratification,  acceptance,  approval or accession,  by a
declaration addressed to the  Secretary  General  of  the  Council  of
Europe, require that requests for transfer and supporting documents be
accompanied by a translation into its own language or into one of  the
official  languages of the Council of Europe or into such one of these
languages as it shall indicate.  It may on that occasion  declare  its
readiness  to accept translations in any other language in addition to
the official language or languages of the Council of Europe.
     4. Except as provided in Article 6.2.a,  documents transmitted in
application of this Convention need not be certified.
     5. Any costs incurred in the application of this Convention shall
be borne by the administering State, except costs incurred exclusively
in the territory of the sentencing State.

Фрагмент документа "О ПЕРЕДАЧЕ ОСУЖДЕННЫХ ЛИЦ".

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