ДИРЕКТИВА СОВЕТА N 1999/31/ЕС ПО ПОЛИГОНАМ ЗАХОРОНЕНИЯ ОТХОДОВ. Директива. Европейский Союз. 26.04.99 1999/31/ЕС


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Article 2

     For the purposes of this Directive:
     (a)  "waste"  means  any  substance or object which is covered by
Directive 75/442/EEC;
     (b)  "municipal  waste"  means  waste from households, as well as
other waste which, because of its nature or composition, is similar to
waste from household;
     (c) "hazardous waste" means any waste which is covered by Article
1 (4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC of 12 December 1991 on hazardous
waste <*>
     <*>  OJ  L  377,  31.12.1991, p. 20. Directive as last amended by
Directive 94/31/EC (OJ L 168, 2.7.1994, p. 28);

     (d)  "non-hazardous  waste"  means  waste which is not covered by
paragraph (c);
     (e)   "inert  waste"  means  waste  that  does  not  undergo  any
significant  physical,  chemical  or biological transformations. Inert
waste  will  not  dissolve, burn or otherwise physically or chemically
react, biodegrade or adversely affect other matter with which it comes
into  contact  in a way likely to give rise to environmental pollution
or  harm human health. The total leachability and pollutant content of
the  waste  and the ecotoxicity of the leachate must be insignificant,
and  in  particular  not  endanger the quality of surface water and/or
     (f)   "underground  storage"  means  a  permanent  waste  storage
facility in a deep geological cavity such as a salt or potassium mine;
     (g) "landfill" means a waste disposal site for the deposit of the
waste onto or into land (i.e. underground), including:
     - internal  waste  disposal sites (i.e. landfill where a producer
of  waste  is  carrying  out  its  own  waste disposal at the place of
production), and
     - a  permanent  site  (i.e. more than one year) which is used for
temporary storage of waste,
     but excluding:
     - facilities  where  waste  is  unloaded  in  order to permit its
preparation  for  further transport for recovery, treatment or dispsal
elsewhere, and
     - stoarage  of  waste prior to recovery or treatment for a period
less than three years as a general rule, or
     - storage  of  waste prior to disposal for a period less than one
     (h)   "treatment"   means  the  physical,  thermal,  chemical  or
biological    processes,    including   sorting,   that   change   the
characteristics  of  the  waste  in  order  to  reduce  its  volume or
hazardous nature, facilitate its handling or enhance recovery;
     (i) "leachate" means any liquid percolating through the deposited
waste and emitted from or contained within a landfill;
     (j)  "landfill  gas"  means  all  the  gases  generated  from the
landfilled waste;
     (k) "eluate" means the solution obtained by a laboratory leaching
     (l)  "operator" means the natural or legal person responsible for
a  landfill  in accordance with the internal legislation of the Member
State  where  the landfill is located; this person may change from the
preparation to the after-care phase;
     (m)  "biodegradable  waste"  means  any  waste that is capable of
undergoing anaerobic or aerobic decomposition, such as food and garden
waste, and paper and paperboard;
     (n)  "holder"  means  the producer of the waste or the natural or
legal person who is in possession of it;
     (o)  "applicant"  means  any  person  who  applies for a landfill
permit under this Directive;
     (p)  "competent  authority" means that authority which the Member
States designate as responsible for performing the duties arising from
this Directive;
     (q) "liquid waste" means any waste in liquid form including waste
waters but excluding sludge;
     (r) "isolated settlement" means a settlement:
     - with   no   more  than  500  inhabitants  per  municipality  or
settlement and no more than five inhabitants per square kilometre and,
     - where  the  distance to the nearest urban agglomeration with at
least  250 inhabitants per square kilometre is not less than 50 km, or
with  difficult access by road to those nearest agglomerations, due to
harsh meteorological conditions during a significant part of the year.


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