Article 24 Entry into force This Agreement shall enter into force thirty (30) days after both Parties have notified each other, through diplomatic channels, the last internal procedures of each Party for its entry into force. From the date the present Agreement comes into force, the Air Services Agreement between the Government of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic and the Government of the Republic of Venezuela, signed on December 10th 1991 with all supplements, annexes and amendments to this Agreement is terminated in regard to relations between the Russian Federation and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In witness thereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement. Done at Caracas the 26th day of November, 2008 in duplicate, in Russian, in English and in Spanish languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergent interpretation, the English text version shall be used. Annex to the Air Services Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 1. Routes Schedule a. The designated airlines of the Russian Federation shall be entitled to operate international scheduled air services in both directions on the routes specified hereunder: ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Points of origin |Intermediate| Points of | Points beyond | | | Points | destination| | |------------------|------------|------------|-------------------| |Points in the |To be agreed|Caracas and |To be agreed later | |Russian Federation|later |other points|on | | | |<*> | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- <*> Other points shall be subject to an agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties. b. The designated airlines of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela shall be entitled to operate international scheduled air services in both directions on the routes specified hereunder: ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Points of origin |Intermediate | Points of | Points beyond | | | Points |destination | | |------------------|-------------|------------|------------------| |Points in the |To be agreed |Moscow and |To be agreed later| |Russian Federation|later |other points|on | | | |<*> | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- <*> Other points shall be subject to an agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties. 2. Notes 1. Intermediate points and points beyond the territories the State of the Parties shall be subject to an agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties. Intermediate points and points beyond may be omitted by the designated airlines of the Parties at their discretion. 2. The right of combine of the points of origin or points of destination in the territories the State of the Parties as well as intermediate points and points beyond shall be subject to the separate agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties. 3. The right of the designated airlines of one Party to transport passengers, cargo and mail between the points in the territory the State of the other Party and points in the territory of the third countries (exercise of fifth freedom traffic right) shall be subject to the agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties. 4. Only one airline from each Party shall be designated to operate scheduled services on the city pair on the routes mentioned in the above schedule. 5. Any operation, along Transsiberian, Transpolar and Transasian Air Route networks in the airspace of the Russian Federation shall be subject to the separate agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties. 6. Charter, additional and non-scheduled flights shall be carried out based on preliminary request of the designated as well as non-designated airlines, submitted to the aeronautical authorities at least (120) hours before the departure, except weekends and holidays. 7. The Parties will extend positive considerations to the requests of the designated airline and other airlines of the Parties to operate non scheduled flights of passengers and cargo between both countries, taking account the national legislation of each Party, and under the consideration that these do not affect the scheduled flights and do not constitute a disloyal competition to them. 8. Designated airlines of one Party, which operate flights on the agreed services, may enter into commercial arrangements included, but not limited "block-space" and "code-sharing" with designated airlines of the other Party. The aeronautical authorities of the Parties shall agree upon such arrangements. 9. The designated airlines of the Parties shall operate the agreed services with any type of aircraft, without capacity limit. 10. The rights of the designated airlines to operate all cargo shall be the subject of agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties. 11. The designated airlines of the Parties shall operate up to fourteen (14) frequencies per week, which shall be distributed among them. 12. The designated airlines of each Party will have to fulfill the laws and regulations related to the provision of statistical information. |