О РЕАДМИССИИ. Соглашение. Правительство РФ. 21.09.09

Фрагмент документа "О РЕАДМИССИИ".

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Article 16
                           Transit procedure
     1) An application for transit operations must be submitted to the
central competent authority in writing and is to contain the following
     a)   possible   other   States  of  transit  and  intended  final
     b)  the  particulars  of  the  person concerned (e.g. given name,
surname,  date  of  birth  and  -  where  possible  -  place of birth,
nationality, type and number of travel document);
     c) envisaged border crossing point, date and time of transfer and
possible use of escorts;
     d)  a declaration that from the viewpoint of the requesting State
the  conditions  pursuant  to Article 15 paragraph 2 of this Agreement
are  met,  and  that  no  reasons for a refusal pursuant to Article 15
paragraph 3 of this Agreement are known of.
     2)  The  requested  State  shall,  in writing, inform the central
competent authority of the requesting State of the consent to transit,
confirming  the  border  crossing  point  and  the  envisaged  time of
transit,  or  inform  it of the transit refusal and of the reasons for
such refusal in writing.
     3)  The  person  to  be  readmitted and possible escorts shall be
exempted from having to obtain a specific airport transit visa if they
do not cross  the border line of the transit zone of the airport.
     4)  The  competent  authorities  of  the  requested  State shall,
subject  to  mutual  consultations, support the transit operations, in
particular through the surveillance of the persons in question and the
provision of suitable amenities for that purpose.

Фрагмент документа "О РЕАДМИССИИ".

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